What's wrong with "Merry Christmas"?
gav_fiji at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 25 23:25:05 UTC 2007
> montims:
> because, like all the other pagan religions in christianised
> countries, the religion was eradicated by the authorities.
> It may have continued privately, as witches, for example,
> believe theirs was, but if known, they could have been
> subjected to terrible punishments through most of history.
You're quite right, this whole thing must be getting tiresome for
others on the list. It was only the old Norse religion that I
mentioned, I know there are plenty of other unconventional religions
out there. Still, in respect of asatru, and referencing the very
sites to which you alluded this may interest you, it may not :
"This religion was almost completely displaced by Christianity in the
Middle Ages. Although the religion was no longer practiced, many
aspects survived in the culture. The old religion left as its rich
legacy much of our traditional legal and ethical systems and our folk
Icelanders never forgot their old religion, and in 1972, Ásatrú was
recognized as a legitimate religion by the Icelandic government.
Since the early 1970's, the religion has been in a period of rapid
growth in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand.
Ásatrú in North America was formally organized in 1973. Since then, a
number of independent kindreds and other organizations have been
formed (in North America and elsewhere)."
So, like I said it's bascally a modern revival excepting in America,
and coincidentally, or perhaps not, towards the end of the era of
Cheers, merry Christmas and a happy New Year
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