[HPFGU-OTChatter] women, men, reading, HP

P. Alexis Nguyen alexisnguyen at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 14:09:01 UTC 2007

> NPR : Why Women Read More Than Men
> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14175229&sc=emaf

What stood out for me about this article wasn't the HP portion
(sacrilege, I know) but this sentence: "Young people, in general, read
less than older people..."

That makes me really sad. I have books at home, at my parents' house,
in pristine condition because I loved those books so much, not because
I never read them. I remember blowing *all* my allowance (and any
other money I came into) on books of all sorts - fiction, nonfiction,
astronomy books, et cetera. I rarely read now (not including re-reads)
and am one of those "typical Americans" who read about 4 books a year,
but I think that's a problem of time constraint, especially true when
one speaks of people with families, so my guess would have been that
young people read more than older people.

I feel a little sadder now.



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