[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Ordering UK version to be sent to US - advice?

Jeremiah LaFleur hpfreakazoid at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 22:46:00 UTC 2007

--- "Jeremiah LaFleur" <hpfreakazoid at ...> wrote:
> --- "auntrebbis" <dbkelley@> wrote:
> >
> > Has anhone done this with past releaes? My copies of
> > HP 1-6 are the UK plain 'adult version' and I want to
> > order 7 in the same.
> >
> > ...
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Deb
> >
> bboyminn:
> The thing most people in the USA forget is that the UK
> is just a few hundred miles away in a winter wonderland
> called CANADA.
> You can order the UK versions from 'Chapters - Indigo'
> in Canada.
> =========================
> Jeremiah:
> Actually, I don't think of Canada as the UK. ...
> Canada is it's own country now, aren't they? ...


Context my friend; context. We are not talking about USA,
Canada, and the UK; we are talking about /ordering/ UK
versions of the Harry Potter books, and relative to
the UK versions of Harry Potter books, the UK is as
close as Canada.

Put another way, if you are in the USA, you don't have
to order from England and pay all that shipping to get
the UK versions, you just need to contact a book seller
in Canada.


Amazon.ca <http://amazon.ca/> (Amazon - Canada is also a potential source)

Personally, I just intent to go down to Walmart after
midnight and buy a copy of the US version.

For OotP I ordered the UK version from Chapters, but,
unlike the beginning of the series, the new UK version
are nearly identical to the USA version.

Only when the social context is not intuitively clear
is a change made. The only change that I'm aware of
in the latest editions is at some point Fred says
'keep your pecker up' which has a whole different
meaning in the USA. In the UK, it means take heart,
keep your spirits up. Pecker refers to the heart.

Other than that one change, I'm not really away of any
others. Most Brit-slang has been intigrated into the
story and people figure it out easy enough on their



I see... even still, I would never have thought of getting a UK edition from
Canada. But now I know they have 'em...

We won't talk about Walmart... *sigh* I have to learn to accept that there
are peopel who will shop there... and JKR still gets cash, so I guess it's
best left undisturbed...

I like the idea of using recycled paper but I am still not totally convinced
that it is a paper product that will last the test of time. However, the
amount of paper that will be used to print this last book... yikes... it's
like trying to fathom the size of Jupiter...

Yes, context is very different in the UK edition vs. US edition. they say
nickers, trainers, pitch, pecker and lots of other "confusing" things tha we
yanks have to research to find out the meaning of. I remember after the
release of HBP the Scholastic site had to field a ton of "corrections" to
HBP in which the publisher relied something like, "Harry and his friends are
Brittish. That is how they speak." or something to that effect.it made me
laugh a litte and then remember that the difference in language isn't
addressed in the US. well, not as much as there should be, IMO.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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