[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Crockpot (Was: Crackpot!)
Sheryll Townsend
s_ings at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 14 16:19:25 UTC 2007
> Doddie here:
> Errm..I'm probably the only one...but prewashed pre
> packaged veggies
> may say one thing but pre wash may have meant an
> exta vigorous
> watering in the field for all we know(the laws do
> not proclaim
> otherwise)..I always rewash all said fruits and
> veggies...
> I was raised that twas better if you can grow your
> own and if you
> cannot do that go pick your own...and if not that
> then buy local,
> and if not that buy organic....and when you get it;
> whether picking
> buying/buing and picking after you get home wash it
> again anyhow
> because ...well...won't get into the entire organic
> farming thing....
> >
I was raised that way, too. I have an aunt who eats
only stuff from her own garden all summer, with the
rare addition of meat. Bakes all her bread and
This was probably the first year since we bought this
house 10 years ago that I didn't plant a garden. Just
didn't have the time to tend it. That and a great deal
of procrastinating at the beginning of the season.
Nothing quite like going out the back door to get
salad fixings and such.
I'm curious about meat, though, being a serious
carnivore. Do most people here buy their meat at a
grocery store? What do you think of the quality? I buy
a cow every fall (with my mother and sister) and have
it butchered for the freezer. Usually a pig, too,
though my sister is now saying they don't like pork
that much at her place and don't want to go in on it.
Have to convince my mother that we'll eat enough pork
here to make it sensible to buy a pig this month.
Sheryll, eyeing her nearly empty freezer and thinking
it must be almost slaughtering time
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