[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Is Dumbledore Gay? Depends on Definitions of ?Is? and ?Gay?
jnferr at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 12:21:10 UTC 2007
> bboyminn wrote:
> >
> > Here is another article from the NY Times that takes a diffent
> > perspective on the 'Dumbledore is gay' revelation.
> >
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/29/arts/29conn.html?ref=books
> >
> > The article concludes with -
> >
> > "This is why Dumbledore's supposed gayness is ultimately as
> > unimportant as Ron's shabby clothes. These wounded outsiders
> > recognize the nature of evil, and finally that is what matters."
> >
> Tonks:
> Thank you for that article. It says what I have been trying to say,
> and says it better, of course. A wizard at DD's level is above such
> mundane things as sex. The article compares DD to other great
> wizards who are also celebate.
3 points:
But at 17, DD was not "a wizard at DD's level" - he was a brilliant teenager
who thought he could do anything, and who had found an equally brilliant and
beautiful companion - together they would soar. Who has not known that
heady excitement when everything is going wonderfully, and you feel the
whole world loves you and you can do no wrong? And doesn't it always lead
to a pratfall or disaster? DD was the darling of his generation - open any
publication that sells scandal and you will read his modern equivalent,
often now in a police mugshot, or vanishing into a rehab clinic. He flew
too close to the sun and got his wings burned. And incidentally fell in
love with his mirror image, who happened to be of the same gender - so
what? If it had been a witch instead of a wizard, would that have made it
all right?
I agree with colebiancardi - sex is not mundane - at least, if he did have a
sexual relationship with GG at that time, with all that excitement and
youthful arrogance that they shared, it would not have been mundane - there
would have been fireworks and crashing waves, as in the best Hollywood
tradition... As to whether there were other loves or desires after GG, I do
not know or care, unless it is revealed by JKR later.
Following on from that - not a reply to Tonks' post above, but a general
comment on all the threads in this vein, which I have stayed away from up to
now, as they were getting a little too heated for me - I LIKE being told
backstory - I want to hear all of it, about every character. The
protagonists exist in my imagination as far as they have been portrayed and
no further, so every revelation causes me to adjust my understanding a
little, but for me that's a good thing. I had no investment in DD being gay
or straight or unicorn lover... Now it has been clarified, I can see him as
gay. Minor characters might be revealed to be redheads, Scottish, Chartered
Accountants in the muggle world, triple orphans, whatever. If JKR says
that's their backstory, I will take it on board. If she says Lily ate
cornflakes every day of her life, ok then. To me, they ARE JKR's
characters, and always will be - I get to enjoy the stories she puts out,
and I would be happy if bit by bit she released the whole of her notes...
Just my take on it.
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