Dan / Potter inheritance / royal blood / transit strike
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)
catlady at wicca.net
Sun Dec 21 01:11:52 UTC 2008
Steve bboyminn wrote in
<< In it Dan sings and dances, and if I understand correctly, he
wrote the lyric for the songs.
'Gypsy of the Year - 2008'
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=e2vqAcINtqM >>
Thank you! That was delightful to watch.
Steve bboyminn wrote in
<< Notice that Harry inherits a vault full of gold, BUT no
possessions or land; not Potter ancestral home. no landed
estate. Though there certainly must have been one at one time.
So, an underlying question is where did the senior potters get
their wealth, and why was there no property or general
possessions involved in Harry's inheritance? Other than the
cloak and the map. >>
The Potters, even the Peverells, may never have owned a landed estate.
Medieval wizards didn't need land as a source of wealth. They could
use magic as a source of wealth. Sell potions to Muggles. Charge to
cast a rain-making spell during a drought. Make fabulously beautiful
furniture and sell it to wizards and Muggles. Invent the Golden Snitch
and sell them to wizards. Kidnap a rich Muggle's child by Apparating
into the nursery and Side-Along Apprating out, and demand a large
ransom. Cast the Imperius Curse on a rich Muggle and just tell him to
give you all his gold.
I'm confused whether the house where James and Lily died belonged to
the Potters or belonged to Dumbledore. It was destroyed with all its
contents except baby Harry, so if it was the Potter ancestral home,
that explains what happened to all the heirlooms that hadn't been lent
out like the Cloak.
Voldemort wasn't the first Dark Wizard to threaten the survival of
British wizarddom, so the Potter ancestral home and whatever heirlooms
it contained could have been destroyed in a previous generation.
Stephen Vandecasteele wrote in
<< I am however still convinced that Harry Potter has royal
blood. >>
Is not the blood of a royal Muggle muddier and less blessed than the
magical blood of a common wizard?
Sheryll wrote in
<< Much of our Christmas season has had a damper put on it by a public
transit strike. We're heading into day 10 of the strike with our
second snowstorm in 2 weeks about to hit us on Sunday. Not fun. As
someone who doesn't work a 9-5 kind of day, I'm particulary hard hit.
(snip) So far I've had to give up about half my hours each week
because I've been unable to find transportation to/from work. The week
before the strike I had 40 hours on my paycheque (I work a part-time
retail job, as lots of you know). Last week I worked just under 24
hours. Next week I have the same scheduled (23 hours). Still not sure
how I'm getting to work and back on Christmas Day. *sigh* >>
Oh, poor Sheryll. Can your husband drive you to work and come back to
pick you up on Xmas day?
<< Still, I refuse to let it all ruin my holiday. I cabbed to a
Christmas gathering among friends last Sunday, the only chance for us
to get together before my daughter heads back to university after the
holidays. My shopping is done, my tree is up, my baking nearly
complete. As opening manager on Christmas day it's my pleasure to take
in enough cookies to keep us all on a sugar for the duration of our
shift. <vbg> >>
Bless your attitude
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