[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: coercion

Janette jnferr at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 13:08:54 UTC 2008

> Carol:
> I wonder, BTW, if
> part of the problem in the U.S. is that people start celebrating
> Christmas prematurely, putting up their Christmas trees at
> Thanksgiving, so that "the holidays" has come to mean the period from
> Thanksgiving to New Year's Day (in a few regions, possibly, clear till
> Epiphany or Three Kings' Day). That Hanukkah comes at around the same
> time is also a factor. If it were celebrated in September, we might
> not be having this discussion. Might as well wish each other "Happy
> December" and be done with it.
> Carol, who still does not like to be wished "happy holidays" and
> thinks that political correctness is fast becoming the "dominant
> culture" to which we're all supposed to submit meekly


Just butting in here briefly - I said earlier that as a Brit in America, I
have assumed the habit of saying "Happy Holidays" to people - it makes sense
to me because 1) I am not christian, so why would I wish merry christmas
when I don't celebrate it religiously, although I enjoy the Yule trappings
of it, and love the gift giving?  2) I don't know the religion of the person
I am speaking to;  but most importantly, 3) just about everybody I am
wishing it to (including shopworkers) will be having one extra day off work,
if not more.

I miss Boxing Day and Christmas Eve being a holiday, as it is in Europe, and
for the Brits on the list, I get 10 paid holidays a year, and 2 paid
"personal days", which is supposed to be part of a great benefits package.
In England, in my last job, I had 25 paid holidays, and 13 paid flexi days,
and that was a basic package.  However, I took my 2 personal days on the
Friday before xmas, and xmas eve, so had a nice long break, then had new
year's eve off.  Most of my colleagues had saved up their days and took off
over a week, as did a lot of my friends outside of work.  So I wish them
happy holidays with the very best of intentions - I hope that after working
hard each year they will have the opportunity to relax, enjoy being with
friends and family, and forget about work for a little while at least.  In
my mind, nothing political or religious (or offensive) about it.

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