[HPFGU-OTChatter] Golden Compass

Janette jnferr at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 12:36:37 UTC 2008

On 1/22/08, Tonks <tonks_op at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Speaking of movies. Does anyone know what this movie means? I heard
> that it was controversial, so naturally I had to see it. I sensed some
> sort of religious theme, and maybe a slam against the RC church
> structure, but other than that I just came away confused. What did it
> all mean?? Why is it controversial? Someone told me that there were
> post about it on the net from the same sorts of people who are opposed
> to HP. Maybe I should start looking around the net. Has anyone here
> seen the movie?


I would recommend reading the books - they are wonderfully written, and
explain what the movie is all about.  Though the movie had some very
heavy-handed exposition, IMO.  Also, if you want to stick with the movies,
they may film the second and third parts of the trilogy, and all should
become clear.  But thanks to the very effective boycot recommendations from
some authorities in the US, the first film may not have received enough box
office takings to have demonstrated the viability of making the sequels, so
it may be dead in the water, evidently...

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