[HPFGU-OTChatter] Suggestions for HP themed computer classes
Lee Storm(God Is The Healing Force)
n2fgc at arrl.net
Mon Jun 9 14:19:36 UTC 2008
| Hi!
| With the end of the school year fast approaching, I've come
| up with a "last
| day of computer lab" classes for the elementary schools where
| I work. My
| current lesson plans call for taking 1st grade classes to the
| Scholastic HP site.
| Grade 2/3 classes will go to the Bloomsbury site and the
| grade 4/5 classes
| will visit JK's site. I will be in costume as a visiting
| professor from
| Hogwarts and will present this material as a "History" class.
| While the classes will be a lot of fun, there will also be
| some muggle
| topics covered. One will be on the importance of being
| careful about sharing
| personal information with people on the Internet (just as
| Ginny Weasley shared
| with Tom Riddle). JK's website will provide an opportunity
| for students to
| experience websites in different languages as well as "text only."
| I would appreciate any addition ideas on muggle content as
| well as any HP
| ideas or ways to tie to the two together.
Hmm--know of any HP kids lists that might interest them? And tie the
personal info into that, too, as in don't put it on the list or give it
privately to list-members without consulting their folks, etc. That, IMHO,
can *Never* be emphasized enough with kids as well as some "big kids." :-)
Having the JKR site up as a screen activity can certainly set the mood, to.
I should send you the little wave files I made for my computer:
Windows comes up with an "Alohomora" and the sound of an opening door with a
bit of reverb on it; I shut down with "Mischief Managed" and the clunk of a
vault door closing, again with reverb. Guess I figured the reverb would be
reminiscent of large Hogwarts hallways. :-) Oh, yeah--my mail is announced
with an owl, of course. :-)
If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
Cheers, and good luck!
Lee :-)
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