Rickman (was Re: Spin-Offs)

doddiemoemoe doddiemoemoe at yahoo.com
Fri May 30 10:51:10 UTC 2008

Potioncat wrote:
 I haven't seen Hitchhikers Guide. But I've seen the others. I like 
something the Lord Made because it reminds me of old Southern 
hospitals. They got that part right. I don't remember quite as far back
as the movie goes, but quite a bit of it rang true for me.

Doddie here:

  Erm...sorry but John's Hopkins is an EAST COAST Hospital...Via the 
state of Maryland if I'm not mistaken...this is what makes so many 
moments of the story so much more poignant..

Potioncat again stated 
> I'll add 'An Awfully Big Adventure' to the list of must see if only 
to see Rickman's character at odds with a character named Potter whom 
everyone else seems to like. There's an Uncle Vernon too.

Doddie here:

Liked that "Adventure" as well...but like the Potter Series...not his 


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