Dan in Details magazine

Steve bboyminn at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 4 06:45:48 UTC 2008

--- "Geoff Bannister" <gbannister10 at ...> wrote:
> Geoff:
> I think it may be a personal reaction to the article but I 
> would not have expected a piece written in that form in a UK 
> magazine.
> ...
> There was also what I felt was a  intrusion on his privacy 
> in the comments about his 16th birthday which, to me, seemed
> to be slanted to sound lewd.
> I just felt that there was an underlying tone of wanting to 
> get a snigger from the readers. Hey, guys, DR drinks, swears
> and has sex. So do a lot of people, but it doesn't define a 
> person.
> ...


I think that is absolutely IT. This was the interviewer trying
to put Dan in situations where he would give titillating 
answers to titillating question. When he could be manipulated
in to saying things that could be twisted into sexual 

I mean, if there's no scandal, there's no story. It's dead

I think the 'accent' dialog was given to him by the interviewer.
Dan saw it for what it was, at once a parody and also an
attempt to get Dan to say something naughty.

The reference to his 16th birthday when he was officially
'legal' indeed was meant to be filled with innuendo and lots
of giggling and sniggering. It is trash journalism at it's
finest. And I agree in the UK, they probably would have done
a more dignified job of it. 

But I think we need to give some thought to how Dan handled it.
He was dead cool and calm. He reflected that British dignity
that can still be there even when things turn trashy.

In casually saying the 'trash talk' in an American accent. In
a sense he took the wind out of the interviewer. There is no
scandal if the person in question refuses to be scandalized.
Dan's attitude seemed to be, I'm an adult, sometimes adults
say things like this.

The same is true regarding his birthday. While the interview
and the interviewer tried to imply things that are best left
private, Dan was unfazed. It was like an adult (Dan) being
interviewed by a mischievous 12 year old. The interviewer
might have gotten some juvenile delight at what was said. But
Dan was calm, cool, casual, and fully adult through the whole

To me, the whole interview came of as an immature scandal 
seeking journalist interviewing a mature adult who was so
far above all this petty stuff.

I was very impressed with Dan, and I think he handled himself
in a way that totally diffused the apparent 'scandalous' aspects
of the interview. He can off as very mature, with a 'so what?' 


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