[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: The Harry Potter Experience

Lee Storm (God Is The Healing Force) n2fgc at arrl.net
Mon Mar 23 17:47:32 UTC 2009

| Potioncat:
| True. 
| Some of us just want to discuss the stories, some want to 
| debate the nuances, or propose theories. At the end of the 
| day we probably leave with our opinions unchanged, yet 
| enriched by the process.
| What is it, though, that has made intelligent adults spend so 
| many hours on HP? At the minimum, those of us here have taken 
| time to write posts and talk about the books. But some are 
| spending more time, moderating, maintaining web sites, 
| updating information--all sorts of unseen, unpaid work. Are 
| other fandoms like this?

That, my dear friend, *Is* fandom.  Look at Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica
(The original), LOTR, and any other series you can think of.  Star Trek is a
huge example: Newsgroups, conventions, websites, fanfic, etc.  I've written
a fanfic for Galactica--1980 (Part of the original Battlestar stuff), and
there's a whole fic site and several other sites devoted to that.  LOTR has
name lists, sites, and other stuff.  Fandom is what one makes it to be.


Lee :-)

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