[HPFGU-OTChatter] Ginny

Lee Storm (God Is The Healing Force) n2fgc at arrl.net
Thu May 7 03:30:46 UTC 2009


Let's face it, Molly's name suits her as a "Mollycoddling" person.  Remember
how she balked at Fred and George being there when Sirius, et al, wanted to
answer Harry's questions?  They were of age but, as she cried, "They're
still in school!"  Arthur had to set her straight there.

I can only imagine Arthur having a serious talk with Molly and her
sputtering herself into resignation that Fred and George would, no doubt,
have to fight.  Also, remember, red and George struck out on their own with
their shop and proved themselves.  I'm sure she probably grumbled and/or
wept, but what can she do?

As far as Gini is concerned, of course Molly would probably have had a fit
when she discovered that Gini had gone to fight.  Remember she tried to keep
her in the Room Of requirement.  However, realizing that Gini was as
strong-willed as any of her children, she did what any mother would do; she
stepped in and took on Belatrix...and won!

Molly is just the kind of person who, when faced with something against her
grain, she'll yell and scream and grumble and do anything she can to prevent
it; see how she reacted to Harry and his mission.  She did everything she
could to sabotage it by keeping the threesome separate.  However, she
couldn't stop them, could she?

I'm not a parent, but remember all too well the strictures of my beloved
mother.  And, indeed, I felt there were times when she was a bit
over-protective.  I was a bold creature and would take my stand.  I think,
sometimes, it's just in the nature of parents to want to keep their kids
safe, but parents need to be taught how to let go and let their offspring
learn from their mistakes or prove themselves.

And Loona, even though she was in Gini's year, she could have been under 17
or maybe just 17, as we don't know her b-Day.


Lee :-)

Do not walk behind me,    | Lee Storm
I may not care to lead;   | N2FGC
Do not walk before me,    | n2fgc at arrl.net (or)
I may not care to follow; | n2fgc at optonline.net
Walk beside me, and be my friend.

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