I Am So Annoyed

wildirishrose wildirishrose at fiber.net
Sun May 17 04:13:46 UTC 2009

Ok.  The Harry Potter movies has been on tv, about every other week.  Goblet of Fire just ended.

HBP trailers have been on.  The trailers have ended with the movie being playing in IMAX theaters, 3D.

This is where I'm annoyed.  I don't have access to a IMAX theatre.  At least one that isn't 40 miles away.  So I hope they'll put it in other theatres?????  Which brings one question.  What is the difference between  IMAX  and a regular theatre.

The only 3D movie I've seen is U2 3D.  It was in a closer theatre, not IMAX, and I did get the 3D experience.  Only one word for that.  WOW!!!!!!!!!!!  But I love U2.  But they've never released U2 on DVD, and they've said it will never be released.  But I say never say never.  I can't image HBP not being released on DVD - I'm sure there would be a mass riot if it didn't.

Does anyone have any idea how this release will work?

Sorry this is so long.  I have a habit of rambling.


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