[HPFGU-OTChatter] The Tattoo

Lee Storm (God Is The Healing Force n2fgc at arrl.net
Thu Oct 21 14:02:51 UTC 2010

[Wild Irish Rose]:
| However, a person came through with a tattoo that was the 
| best.  It said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."  
| My co-worker was clueless and thought it was just another 
| tattoo.  I laughed and laughed and told her what book it came from.
| Considering that this person were booked in jail and on 
| probation with us, it was perfect.

LOL!  But now that person, if he/she truly intends to change the path of
life, needs another tattoo that says, "Mischief Managed!"



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