[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Pottermore (was: What? No Cake?)

Lee Storm (God Is The Healing Force) n2fgc at arrl.net
Sun Jul 31 21:31:55 UTC 2011

| From: Ka
| Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 16:48
| Sorry, hangover was my way of expressing my own feelings as a 
| non native English speaker. 

Works for me. :-)

| You didn't miss much I presume (since I didn't get on/in). 
| I'm on mainland Europe so Midnight UK time is one am here. I 
| tried to get on myself, but finally gave up at 4am after 
| having either a 'pottermore is busy we try to connect you in 
| 15-14-13...seconds" or 'pottermore is unavailable. Please try 
| later." message. I'm assuming lots of people had to have lots 
| op patience ...
| Only to find you've got 6 extra days to try and get a coveted 
| previewing seat.

Oh--well...I'll have to get someone with good eyesight to help me get in, I
guess, since the "type in what you hear" isn't working for me.



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