New Harry Potter Podcast

psychic_serpent at psychic_serpent at
Wed Aug 9 21:24:39 UTC 2017

Hi, HPFGU folks!

I haven't posted on the OT list in ages, but I wanted to wave hello to all of my old friends on HPFGU and let you know that my Harry Potter meta-focused podcast, Quantum Harry, the Podcast, is on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube!

Here are the links:

iTunes -
Stitcher - 
YouTube -  (The videos include illuminating images and citations in the credits, but the same audio as the mp3 files available for download on iTunes and Stitcher.)

There is also a Quantum Harry Facebook page with 500 folks now following it! ( Plus Quantum Harry is on Twitter @QHPodcast . So you can pick and choose what you feel is the easiest way to be notified of new episodes--following on Twitter or Facebook, or subscribing on iTunes, Stitcher or YouTube.

While many of you may know me as the author of the fanfic "Harry Potter and the Psychic Serpent", QHTP is based on Quantum Harry: A Unified Theory of the Potterverse, by yours truly (B.L. Purdom), which brings together papers I presented over many years at HPEF-organized Harry Potter symposia (mainly during the ten years I served on the board), restructured and with added material to focus on the unifying theme running throughout the seven-book series. It is geared toward readers of all ages who have enjoyed the world of Harry Potter, especially those interested in learning more about the myths, fairytales and other lore JK Rowling drew upon to create her magical world.

The first three episodes have already been posted (each is about 20 mins long):

1. The Kids' Table - An introduction to Quantum Harry with an overview of the unifying theme tying together the seven-book series.
2. This Old Man - An examination of the archetype of the Wise Old Man in the HP series, especially in the first book in the series, for which this is the "ruling" archetype.
3. Iron Maiden - An examination of the archetype of the Maiden in the HP series, especially in the second book, which is ruled by this archetype.

Episode 4 will be posted this Monday (August 14) and new episodes will be available on a bi-weekly basis (every other Monday, exceptions where noted). Here is the schedule for episodes four through thirteen:

August 14 - Episode 4: "Mother, May I?"
August 28 - Episode 5: "Our Father"
September 12 - Episode 6: "A Murder of Crones"
September 25 - Episode 7: "Fountain of Youth"
October 9 - Episode 8: "Have You Tried Not Being Liminal?"
October 23 - Episode 9: "We're Here, We're Metaphorically Queer"
November 6 - Episode 10: "All's Fair in War and Quidditch"
November 20 - Episode 11: "Wargames"
December 4 - Episode 12: "Grow Up Now"
December 18 - Episode 13: "Deus Ex Machina"

I look forward to engaging with the folks from HPFGU, again exploring Harry Potter meta with the fans who first got me involved in this fandom. I hope you'll join me!

--B.L. Purdom


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