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Hi --
<p>tanwo@hotmail.com wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>How do people feel about -</tt>
<p><tt> Ps and Qs</tt>
<p><tt>Is -</tt>
<p><tt> P's and Q's</tt>
<p><tt>preferable? Note that the P & Q are in capitals. The apostrophe</tt>
<br><tt>clearly makes sense (IMHO) if the p & q are lowercase.</tt></blockquote>
Ps and Qs -- according to Chicago Manual of Style 6.16 (which happens
to be sitting at my fingertips at the moment ....)
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>And</tt>
<p><tt> Remus's wand</tt>
<p><tt> Remus' wand</tt></blockquote>
Remus's wand -- singular possessive.