As a true HP addict, I was pleasantly happy to hear not just one, but TWO mentions of Harry Potter in prime time last night! On King of the Hill, Hank was in a "trial" in his son's classroom taking the oath when he mentioned, "Hey that's not a Bible; it's a Harry Potter book!" And then on The X Files, there was a scene in a prison recreation room in which the librarian is pushing a cart, holding up a very familiar looking book and saying, "I have the newest Harry Potter book!" It just tickled me no end. Jeralyn, the Voicelady ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She stood upon the balcony inexplicably mimicing his hiccuping and amicably welcoming him in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____________________________________________________________ This email message was sent via MailStation(tm) - a trademark of CIDCO Incorporated.