<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>good luck with your exam(s)!!!
<BR>You see, I can't understand why British coins are difficult. Like French and
<BR>German ones they are all different sizes and shapes. Fine I grew up with
<BR>them but even when I go to other countries I don't find it particually (sp?)
<BR>difficult to work out what is what.
<BR>Here, I would say it's even easier than other places because the only rule
<BR>you need to work on is that anygold coin is good for everything, silver coins
<BR>are useful bits of change that accumalate quite nicely at the bottom of your
<BR>purse and coppers are an utter waste of time and effort and should have been
<BR>taken out of circulation years ago...
<BR>The only thing they are useful for is that if you stick two pennies together
<BR>with glue (not too thick or it doesn't fit!) the chocolate machine at school
<BR>thinks that they are a pound coin...not that I would ever do something like
<BR>that of course (ahem!!).
<BR>just my two sickles worth!