Another Howdy

Kelley SKTHOMPSON_1 at ...
Wed Apr 11 20:25:11 UTC 2001

--- In HPFGU-Texas at y..., mlleelizabeth at a... wrote:
> So far most of us seem inclined towards a central Texas meeting. 
> Makes sense to me -- I believe we have several central Texas members
> and the location is, um, central.  
> Please, y'all, chime in and let us know when and where you'd like to
> meet.  And if you know of any Texans I've failed to invite join us,
> please tell me so I can remedy that.
> Love & Light,
> *Elizabeth*

Hi Elizabeth, thanks for the welcome.  I'm in SA, so a central 
meeting would be great for me. ;-)  Normally, my schedule is pretty 
flexible, so I'll let folks with more pressing time constraints 
debate when.  Family stuff would probably be the only thing that 
might hinder me from attending, but I'll worry about that bridge when 
we get to it.  I figure you guys got all the people in the main group 
file who noted they were in TX; I know that Marvin Long mentioned he 
is in Austin, and I -thought- someone mentioned being in Corpus.  I 
can't recall who this was, and to be fair, this might've even been on 
another list. <g>  (I don't think so, though.)  I'll search the 
messages for Corpus and see if anything comes up...


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