[HPFGU-Texas] Howdie from North Carolina & an Introduction

mlleelizabeth at ... mlleelizabeth at ...
Sun Apr 15 21:13:18 UTC 2001

Howdy to you, Jim.

Once a Texan, always a Texan, right?  So we'll forgive you for sending 
yourself into exile! <g>

When your plans to come to Dallas firm up, please let me know.  I'd like to 
buy you a coke, or perhaps something stronger, while you're here.

As for your request:
<< does anyone know  where I can find instructions for real pit-cooked BBQ 
and a recipe  for "authentic" BBQ sauce? The stuff they call BBQ in North 
 is the "pits" <pardon the pun>.  The best I've ever had came  from 
"Luther's" in Odessa in the 1960s.>>

I can come up with something, including my grandfather's bbq sauce recipe, 
but I may need until tomorrow.  I've always cooked my brisket on a very 
pit-like barbecue grill and IMO there are two main tricks to it: 1) use good 
meat; and 2) cook it *slowly*.  It's all a matter of getting and keeping the 
fire at the right temperature.  I'll look around for something more specific, 

The best I ever had was in Muenster, also in the late 60s.  Y'all all know 
where Muenster is, don't ya?

Love & Light,
~ You can never have too many Weasleys ~ 

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