[HPFGU-Texas] Re: Texas in August/Welcome/Polls/Organizing

mlleelizabeth at ... mlleelizabeth at ...
Mon May 7 05:50:12 UTC 2001

Welcome Connie!

>From the weather you've described, it sounds like you are in north Texas?

Welcome everyone who just joined us, as well!  We are now up to 15 members.  
Great work, Amanda!

Anyone who hasn't voted in our polls, please go to:


and vote!

Austin in November is currently topping the poll.

We need to come to a decision fairly soon, so we can block hotel rooms and 
work on a group rate.  

Ryan is in Austin and volunteered assistance.  Anyone else want to help 

Love & Light,
~ How the heck did I get out here in left field? I've always played second 
base! ~

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