[HPFGU-Texas] Hello and some questions...

C tyrsaddlefan at tyrsaddlefan.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 17 19:22:40 UTC 2002

Hello Elizabeth and thanks for your reply!
 Though I was born and bred in East Texas (have you
ever heard of Lufkin?), I temporarily live in very
southern Oklahoma; I'm about 3 hours from Dallas or
  I also have relatives in San Antonio, so I visit
different parts of the state throughout the year.
  As a matter of fact, I'll be down in Galveston for a
few days in March, as well as Lufkin, as most of my
family still resides in Lufkin.
  So, if anyone plans to meet in any one of those
places sometime in the future and will give me
warning, I can probably be there during that time. 
  I do have a new baby though, which makes impromptu
trips a bit difficult.
 Thanks again for your response. :)  C

> Hiya and Welcome!
> We're still here, though nothing has been going on
> lately.  We also don't 
> have any meetings planned, but it would be nice to
> get something going -- 
> maybe some regional meetings if not a statewide one.
> Where in Texas are you?
> Love & Light,
> *Elizabeth*
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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