[HPFGU-Texas] Digest Number 54
Jennifer Boggess Ramon
boggles at omorka.yahoo.invalid
Tue Nov 26 03:19:40 UTC 2002
At 1:02 AM -0500 11/25/02, BornOfMoonAndSea at ... wrote:
>In a message dated 11/19/2002 6:43:10 AM Central Standard Time,
>HPFGU-Texas at yahoogroups.com writes:
>> Anyone else in the Houston area to share this
>> obsession? Anyone from Texas heading to Nimbus 2003?
>I'm in Houston, not going to Nimbus 2003, it would be fun, but I seriously
>doubt DH and I could get the time off from work to make the trip.
Heyla, central Houston, not going to Nimbus 2003 because it conflicts
with a professional conference I already promised my principal I'd go
to (darn! darn!), but would be interested in a second viewing of the
movie with other listies, in cosplay or not . . . :)
- Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon boggles at ...
=== Personal Growth Geek Code v0.4 ===
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ow+++ ofn+ oft++ op++ esk-- ey+ ek+++ pl++ pf++ pe++ U!
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