[HPFGU-Texas] Digest Number 93

BornOfMoonAndSea at bornofmoonandsea.yahoo.invalid BornOfMoonAndSea at bornofmoonandsea.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 9 05:34:02 UTC 2004

We saw the movie Saturday with a friend who is also a major HP fan.

My husband and I both really liked the movie, our friend didn't like it at 

I had a few issues with things left out and things changed.  But overall, I 
really liked the "feel" of this movie better.  The look of it really impressed 
me.  The more realistic scenery and settings and less fantasy-inspired 
costuming really made the whole HP universe more plausible to me and not so much 
"make believe".  Also, the cinematography really drew me into the story.  I felt 
much more involved instead of just viewing it from a distance.  

I want to see it again before really making any in-depth comments about the 
characters and details.  But, I did like it a lot.


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