[HPFGU-Texas] Digest Number 97
BornOfMoonAndSea at bornofmoonandsea.yahoo.invalid
BornOfMoonAndSea at bornofmoonandsea.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jun 14 07:35:16 UTC 2004
Since it's been a LOOOOONG time since I gave my intro, I'll just do that
right now.
My name's Tracy, I'm a month away from turning 34, married, no kids, live in
Houston. Both my husband and I are Harry Potter fans, me more so than my
husband though.
When the books first came out, and got popular, I blew it all off as just
another kid fad like Pokemon or something. It wasn't until right before the
third book was released that a friend convinced me to read the first two books,
because she had picked the first one up for "easy" reading on a long trip and
realized that it wasn't just for kids and was an amazing fantasy story. I
picked up the first book, read it over a period of two days, and finished the
second by the end of the week. I borrowed the next two as my mother in law got
them (she is a fan too) and for Christmas the year Goblet of Fire was out, my
husband bought me all 4 books in hardback. And then we were at the bookstore
well before midnight for the book release party last Summer when Order of the
Phoenix came out.
My favorite of the 5 current books is Goblet of Fire. My favorite of the 3
current movies is Prisoner of Azkaban. I really don't have one absolute
favorite character, but I am partial to the Weasley twins, Prof. Snape, and
Dumbledore. My husband likes Hagrid and Ron.
I only have one other friend offline who's a major Harry Potter fan. All the
others have either seen the movies or their kids read the books and they just
can't get into it.
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