[HPFGU-Texas] Fan Fiction

Adan Abbett adanabbett at adanabbett.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 9 16:20:59 UTC 2004

Here's the links:
In case that doesn't work, the author name is "mistral".  
I'd start with the two novelish length fics:  "Just Plain Harry", then "Ginny Weasley, In Her Own Words", same story with two perspectives.  Unfortunately, GWIHOW isn't completed as SugarQuill is strictly canon-based fanfic and the release of the books made it go AU.  I really should write her and see if she finished it somewhere else!
The others are all one pagers, with Unexpected Desire very much OBHWF. 
Oh, and it may be R/Hr, but "Whaddya Do That For?" is worth it for the last line alone.
IF you like your fic with a huge sense of humor, you might also (at the same site) try the works of author "Suburban House Elf".  I have only read "Harry Potter and the Brotherhood of the Besotted" as I just got this rec a couple of days ago from the lovely women at chicklit.com, but I'm going to have to try some more of hers.
I wasn't sure about reccing another site at HP4GU, that's why I am sending this via email.  Anyway, hope you likey!

Jo <crabtree at ...> wrote:
Interesting that you are doing some writing.  I just recently tried 
my hand at a little.  I'm not brave enough yet to publish it. Maybe 
someday.  I am interesting in the above mentioned stories.  Let me 
know something.  

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