[HPFGU-Texas] Re: Halfway? Bah!

Robert Gonzalez robgonz0 at robgonz0.yahoo.invalid
Sat Aug 21 22:13:09 UTC 2004

I thought that I had heard that she was through with the first draft. Depending on how she works I could see that as being halfway. Half the total time being spent getting the gist of the story down and the other half being spent polishing it up.

chrisnlorrie <chrisnlorrie at ...> wrote:
--- In HPFGU-Texas at yahoogroups.com, "Adan" <adanabbett at y...> wrote:
> Am I the only one that doesn't believe JKR is only halfway through 
> with HBP?  
> I *think* that she is way more than halfway done and is surprised 
> find herself still liking it rather than growing in despise.
> The unusally optimistic (for me) view would be that she's written 
> whole enchilada and is working on the revision, possibly even 
> done with this as well.  She says "she's the only one to have 
> the book... so it could be done.  The "I'm not finished yet" 
> referring to the series, not book 6.
> Hi.  I'm Pollyanna.  Niced to meet you.


I think I am with you, Adan.  I desperately want to believe that she 
is really close.  She did say that the new baby wouldn't interfere 
with the writing, so I like to think that the gist of the book is 
written.  Which means, as you say, she's probably 
revising/changing/fixing things in it - tweaking it, so to speak.  
Please, oh PLEASE.  

And then there are days when I wonder, "What will I do when I have 
all seven books completed and read and re-read?  Sometimes the wait 
is a bit fun!

Alora :)

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