[HPFGU-Texas] Digest Number 132

Jennifer Boggess Ramon boggles at omorka.yahoo.invalid
Sat Sep 11 22:52:38 UTC 2004

At 4:06 PM +0000 9/8/04, "chrisnlorrie" <chrisnlorrie at ...> wrote:
>Can you tell that school has started?  All my boys are up their
>eyeballs in homework, preparing for the $%&*@# TAKS tests.  That's
>what they base an entire year on around here, right? ;)
>Anyone else around here hate that test as much as I do?

Yes.  (I'm a teacher, BTW.)

>Has anyone else watched "The Best Summer Ever" on VH1?  They talk
>about PoA being a great summer movie, but that Daniel is growing too
>fast and outgrowing Harry, so to speak.  Aaaarrgghh!  Why do people
>keep bringing that up?!  I think it's fine, kids grow.
>Any opinions out there?

Haven't seen the show, but the first chapter of OotP mentions how 
much growing Harry's done recently - seems to me Radcliffe is only a 
little ahead of schedule!

  - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon			boggles(at)earthlink.net
"It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the 
act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. "
	- Gauss, in a Letter to Bolyai, 1808.

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