Harry Potter for Everyone

mystril at yahoo.com mystril at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 03:34:00 UTC 2000

Original Yahoo! HPFG Header:
From: Mystril
Subject: Re: Harry Potter for Everyone
Reply To: [Yahoo! #404] Re: Harry Potter for Everyone
Date: 1/25/00 10:34 pm  (ET)

I don't think the HP books appeal to everyone. While at least 4 of my
coworkers have read them and I referred them to a few parents, but at
least one woman has 3 children who are terrified of anything that is
fantasy. On the happy side, one woman bought the book for her son and
now the whole family reads it over and over.

I can't tell you why everyone likes the books, I can only tell you why
I like them and make broad generalizations on the rest.

My story:
Sometime before HP made the cover of Time, someone on a mailing list
mentioned this great kids book. I was very reluctant to buy it in
hardcover, but the next time I was desperate for some escapist fiction, I
bought it. Around 2 am that Sunday, I finished it. The main reason I like
the books is that I like Harry and I like seeing him succeed. I also enjoy
watching him grow up and learn how to deal with unpleasant realities. I
also liked the idea that there is magic in Harry's England. But the
overall theme of good vs. evil almost always attracts me and in a good
book, the author always leaves me guessing where the evil is coming
from. I'm also on a constant quest for good fantasy and HP just clicked
with me.

I think the HP books are popular with kids because some many books
that come out are poorly written or didactic, while HP is neither. The
popularity of the books in the press probably has something to do with
it too, since I've never seen such a fad over a book.

I think the adults who read Harry Potter are simply appreciating a good
story or are reminded of books they read when they were children.

I could go on and discuss how the structure relates to the hero's journey,
which is one of the reasons some people think Dumbledore is going to die,
but before I start theorizing, I'd like to wait for the last book.

Sorry for the massiveness of this message, it's just difficult for me
to describe something ephemeral like the appeal of a good book.

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