A Memo From Chris Columbus
heidi tandy
heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu
Fri Aug 25 14:50:10 UTC 2000
Hogwarts McNuggets?
A leaked e-mail from director Chris Columbus reveals his
controversial plans for the Harry Potter movie.
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By James Hibberd
Aug. 24, 2000 | FROM: Chris Columbus, Director
TO: Dan Fellman, President, Warner Bros. Pictures
Can you believe it? I'm getting bashed all over the Internet and we
haven't even started filming yet. I swear, if J.K. Rowling starts
whining to the press, it could be worse than Anne Rice
trashing "Interview" after Cruise was cast -- journalists love
that "jilted writer vs. Hollywood" angle. If anybody asks, I guess
I'll just have to use the usual mantra: "Film is a different medium,
so changes needed to be made, but we're being true to the spirit of
the book."
Anyway, here's the pre-production update:
Cast: Just got off the phone with Robin Williams and he's definitely
on board, even for a supporting role. If I had my way, of course,
he'd be Potter. (Williams could easily play a kid -- ever
see "Jack"?) But noooo, Rowling insisted the lead go to an actual
young Brit. (Hey, it's called acting.) So for Williams, here's what
I'm thinking: Potter's professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry are supposedly stern and dull. But what if one professor
is a zany, break-all-the-rules eccentric who mangles magic spells and
does celebrity impressions?
Soundtrack: Still need a rousing power anthem for the Quidditch
matches. Unfortunately, Smash Mouth have already sold "All Star" for
use in, well, just about everything. (Then again, oversaturation
didn't stop us from using "Dude Looks Like a Lady" in "Mrs.
Doubtfire," right?) We're looking for something hip and kid-friendly.
Sexy, but not too sexy. Maybe the Spice Girls, they're British -- are
they still around? Hmm, better call John Hughes for soundtrack tips.
Product placements: In Rowling's books (sorry, haven't read them yet,
but don't worry, my assistant took great notes), Potter eats bacon
sandwiches, smoked sausages and steamed ham. I figure since the books
are practically advertisements for the Other White Meat, we could
easily justify a lucrative product-placement deal. Do they have Jimmy
Dean in the U.K.? What am I thinking -- who cares? Let's get Jimmy on
the phone!
And speaking of phones, instead of Potter sending messages by owl,
let's have him use an Ericsson cellphone. Sure, it's less than
magical. But the placement cash can offset our effects budget, and
then I can show audiences some real movie magic. Don't worry, by the
time I'm done with the rewrite, cellphones will be organic to the
Script: Still need to delete more limey words. I mean, what the
hell's a "prefect"? At first I thought it was a typo for "perfect."
If anything in a script makes me reach for a dictionary or
encyclopedia, it's gone.
Cameos: Now I know this is a bit loopy, but the v. just kicked in
and, frankly, it usually results in my best adaptation ideas (ever
see "Bicentennial Man"?). So follow me here: Hogwarts is a school for
witches and wizards. Therefore we need to cast ... Melissa Joan Hart!
That's right, Sabrina the Teenage Witch meets Harry Potter, boy
wizard! She doesn't necessarily need to play the same character, but
her very presence will give the Internet fan boys a thrill. It's
instant cinematic depth -- just add an ironically cast cameo.
Wait, almost forgot -- ABC is your competition. So maybe somebody
from the WB instead? Buffy perhaps? In fact, while we're at it, why
not make her a full-fledged love interest? From where I'm standing,
one of the big flaws in the dead-tree version of "Sorcerer's Stone"
is that the kid seems totally uninterested in girls. I realize Potter
is only 11 or something, but the couple can at least hold hands, or
maybe she can kiss his cheek. Even better: Have her kiss his
lightning-shaped forehead scar, making his ugly shame a thing of
beauty. I can already visualize the amber hues ...
Marketing tie-ins: Our cooperative crossovers will make "The Phantom
Menace" look like "Yentl." For the kids meal, we should definitely
sign McDonald's. (Hmm, do they sell any pork products? Maybe they can
create something special, like pork-based "Hogwarts McNuggets"?) I
think we should also push Harry Potter educational items for use in
public schools -- "Harry Potter's Spells for Spelling," that sort of
Controversy: Been considering your worries re: protests. You're
right, the last thing we need is uptight Falwell followers picketing
cineplexes. So I've come up with a couple of script adds, nothing
major, just some subtle fix-its. First, let's have Potter wear a
crucifix throughout the film. Also, just before he confronts the evil
Voldemort, let's have him say a tearful prayer asking for help and
guidance. (I know it sounds cheesy, but when Culkin took refuge in
his local church in "Home Alone," our preview scores shot through the
roof!) As previously discussed, I'll balance all the sorcery talk by
maintaining a lighthearted look-feel.
Bottom line: As the kids say, "It's all good!" If every Potter fan
sees "Sorcerer's Stone" just once, we're in the black. The only thing
I need from you is a minor expansion of the CGI effects budget. It
goes without saying that eye-catching digital effects are essential
to success. Remember: Moviemaking is just like parenting -- when in
doubt, you distract, distract, distract.
P.S. Any news on obtaining the rights to "The Lion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe"? I'm thinking James Earl Jones as the voice of Aslan and
Britney Spears as Lucy.
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