[HPforGrownups] Re: Dumbledore

Randy Estes estesrandy at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 26 00:05:59 UTC 2000


There is  a sixth sense that Dumbledore has about
everything that Harry must face.  Nothing that he
cannot overcome will be thrown at him, I believe. 
Perhaps Dumbledore has read JKR's outline for the
seven books and decided to relax and enjoy the ride!

By the way, I used to be known as estesrandy on HP4GU.
I decided to reveal my true identity on this egroup.

--- Sister Mary Lunatic <klaatu at primenet.com> wrote:
> On one hand, I get a very uneasy feeling when I
> realize that Dumbledore has
> come close to losing Harry several times due to
> situations in which it is
> obvious to us (the readers) that he should not have
> missed.  Harry was
> nearly killed in SS after Dumbledore was called away
> to London.  It was
> Harry who rescued Ginny from the CoS, and nearly
> died again, while
> Dumbledore was sitting in McGonagall's office
> comforting the Weasleys. And
> besides, no one had noticed Ginny's troubled
> behavior during the school
> year -- surely McGonagall, as her
> Housemaster/mistress, should have been
> paying closer attention.  Harry's life was in
> jeopardy from the Dementors,
> and possibly Sirius and Lupin (for all Prof D knew),
> in PoA.  And in GoF,
> Dumbledore failed to notice that his old friend
> Moody was not quite the
> thing, again nearly costing Harry his life twice in
> one night.
> But it would be a mistake for Dumbledore to
> over-protect Harry.  I think he
> is letting Harry go through certain things, certain
> ordeals, in order to
> strengthen him.  It's amazing how often this
> pre-teen/teenage boy can
> survive things that would eliminate most of the
> adults around him.  I guess
> that is the nature of this story of fiction -- the
> kids always outsmart and
> outperform the adults.
> I wonder if there is an explanation as to why a
> person can PORTKEY into
> Hogwarts and out of Hogwarts, when Apparating is
> impossible.  Surely that
> would mean there is a major basic flaw in the
> defenses around the school.
> What's to stop Lord V or the Death Eaters from
> Portkeying themselves to
> Harry's bedside in the middle of the night and
> killing him in his sleep?
> Are we all too obsessed?  (Yeah, but who cares....)

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