[HPforGrownups] Chat 7-30-00 Using Cheetachat.

Denise gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 27 18:02:13 UTC 2000



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Harry Potter for Grown Ups

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? babynick34 says, "Can't email GoF yet... maybe one day someone will type/scan it"

p_dumbledore says, "Hi Dee..."

dee_97527 says, "Howdy Dee"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Okay - we promise not to talk about GoF Dee!"

? gypsycaine says, "Thanks."

selah_1977 enters

smitster1 says, "Quick reminder--What is the current week character?"

? gypsycaine says, "I really appreciate that."

? babynick34 says, "So... back to favourite characters then (excluding Book 4 characters)."

selah_1977 says, "hello all..."

Scrimers99 says, "in another club im in some idiot had no spoiler space and said who died"

p_dumbledore says, "Our lips are sealed.. Oopss.. I mean my fingers are being edited.. !!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Is there a limit on chat rooms, like lifts?"

Scrimers99 says, "hey selah!"

jenP_97 says, "4000 lbs."

? gypsycaine says, "well, neil, i have seen 60 in a club."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hi"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Crikey|!"

p_dumbledore says, "LOL Jen"

jenP_97 says, ""

? gypsycaine says, "a few chat rooms have had 800 or so."

flying_ford_anglia says, "This is the most we've had here, that I recall"

Scrimers99 says, "well, if you have a Yahoo! Messenger you could send more people in here"

? babynick34 says, "I think my favourite characters must be Mr & Mrs Weasley - even though they are supporting cast."

? gypsycaine says, "oh, this is easy."

jenP_97 says, "When I was chatting with my not-yet-even-boyfriend-let-alone-husband back in college, we'd chat in rooms with up to 150 people in them."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I get confused with more than three people - it's like juggling"

? babynick34 says, "Scrimers - How? Would that not be spam mail"

Scrimers99 says, "well, the bigger this club grows...."

? gypsycaine says, "I used to do those kind all the time. Had to highlight people to keep up with the scroll."

triner2001 enters

p_dumbledore says, "Yes, they are so nice to Harry, and Mr. Weasley is so intregued with Muggle things."

triner2001 says, "hey y'all"

p_dumbledore says, "Hi Trina"

Scrimers99 says, "not sure baby nick"

jenP_97 says, ""

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hi Trina"

jenP_97 says, "sorry."

selah_1977 says, "Hi Trina!"

Scrimers99 says, "hey selah"

triner2001 says, "what are we discussing?"

? babynick34 says, "Hi trina (no book 4 discussion at the moment, as gypsy is here)."

Scrimers99 says, "Fav. Characters"

dee_97527 says, "I like Prof McGonagall"

selah_1977 says, "Hi Scrimers..."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Yes, the Weasleys as a family are all great"

? gypsycaine says, "It's a toss up for me."

Scrimers99 says, "Fred AND George!"

? gypsycaine says, "I love Harry, but for second fav's, McGonagall or Lupin."

selah_1977 says, "Ah.. we can only pick ONE character? You ask the impossible!"

BonBon_076 says, "love them"

smitster1 says, "Many things. But we're trying to talk about 1) our favorite character and 2) This week's character"

? babynick34 says, "What is this weeks character?"

Scrimers99 says, "who has F & G anyway?"

selah_1977 says, "Percy"

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Harry Potter for Grown Ups

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BonBon_076 says, "dobie is funny"

jenP_97 says, "I was a Hermione in school."

selah_1977 says, "I'd have to break my faves down into categories... I've found something to like in them all"

Scrimers99 says, "Hermy- own-ee!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Snape is good"

Scrimers99 says, "Voldemore"

flying_ford_anglia says, "well, he's BAAAAD"

? gypsycaine says, "i liked Snape until PoA."

? babynick34 says, "Now there is a topic - is Snape good, or bad?"

? gypsycaine says, "then he got whiney."

jenP_97 says, "Snape went off the deep end in PoA, didn't he?"

p_dumbledore says, "Yes, it's so hard to choose, each has their own Appeal.. Even Snape in all his narrow mindeness"

triner2001 says, "Snape is just so bitter"

selah_1977 says, "Poor Snape..."

smitster1 says, "Don't you me SUSHHHHHHH He-who-must-not-be-named"

Scrimers99 says, "Malfoy? hah"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Trelawney - I like her misty looks"

? gypsycaine wonders if they make a wizard analyst?

? babynick34 says, "I feel there is still more for us to learn about Snape."

Scrimers99 says, "trlaweny is insane"

? gypsycaine says, "wondered something about Malfoy after the comments today."

Your buddy ladyfaythe has gone off pager

triner2001 says, "Makes me want to know more about *his* school days"

? babynick34 says, "I don't like trelawney."

smitster1 says, "I liked the mean guy in Book #4 up until he was mean"

dee_97527 says, "Snape reminds me of a government teacher I had. She was not open to any opinion but her own."

selah_1977 says, "Well, I prefer the Marauders generation characters myself."

? gypsycaine says, "if they aren't teaching the RRR's."

jenP_97 says, "You know, it freaked me out reading _The Golden Compass_ and seeing a character named Professor Trelawney. "

triner2001 says, "Trelawney is nutters, as Ron has oten saie "

flying_ford_anglia says, "The Marauders sound quite romantic..."

? gypsycaine says, "does he know how to read? or did he pay someone to do it for him?"

selah_1977 says, "I feel sorry for Percy. I think I'm the Percy of my family. "

Scrimers99 says, "that HP on drugs article is horrible"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Some people haven't got the sense they were born with"

? babynick34 says, "I've not read that article yet... can't imagine why someone would write about that sort of thing."

jenP_97 says, "The Marauders *do* sound romantic - except for Peter. He sounds like a pain."

selah_1977 says, "Flying_Ford_Anglia (sorry I don't know your first name yet)--I always see James, Remus, and Sirius being played by romantic lead-quality men."

? babynick34 says, "Maybe Peter was just tagging along with the crowd."

triner2001 says, "Can you imagine what they do if they considered the same ieas about good old chemistry class?"

Scrimers99 says, "thats what selah and i were talking about yesterday"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Please call me Neil - it's a lot easier to type!"

selah_1977 says, "Oh, you're Neil! Love your posts!"

Your buddy ladyadamned has gone off pager

jenP_97 says, "Hehehe"

jenP_97 says, "Neil's famous."

niamh_o_leary leaves

BonBon_076 leaves

triner2001 says, "That's what I thought of when I read that @#$@#%@% article"

smitster1 says, "Perhaps once Percy grows a little he'll see that most things he does are very unimportant. Unfortunately, working for an institution creates a kind of self importance."

Scrimers99 says, "2 people left "

selah_1977 says, "I HATED the drug article, Scrimers."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Yes - the three with blouson shirts open to the waist and long flowing hair, chiseled jaws..."

smitster1 says, "Perhaps its a Yahoo! thing"

? gypsycaine says, "yahoo's acting up."

Scrimers99 says, "ha!"

selah_1977 says, "LOL, Neil!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I can't keep up..."

? babynick34 says, "Or may be You-Know-Who just attacked them!"

? gypsycaine says, "lol!"

Scrimers99 says, "what do we do when theres 5000 messages a day?"

gypsycaine . o O ( poor Neil )

selah_1977 says, "I usually read messages online since I have unlimited web access"

Scrimers99 says, "this club will increase"

? babynick34 says, "I currently have over 2000 unread messages from the list... oh dear."

jenP_97 says, "Ah, now Dee's a true chatter... she even does the thought bubbles. Takes me back. "

smitster1 says, "Start doing our real jobs even less."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Lady Nightfall - you're online!!!"

Your buddy nightfall06 leaves chat

flying_ford_anglia says, "That's Dee too, I think"

? gypsycaine says, "ok ack."

Scrimers99 says, "how many people we have now?"

? gypsycaine says, "it's not supposed to say that."

Your buddy nightfall06 is in games

? gypsycaine says, "it is me, neil."

? babynick34 says, "Winter comes soon... work gets quieter... so more time to read email."

p_dumbledore says, "I see 10 peoples"

? gypsycaine bows, and speaks.

smitster1 says, "448 in the club"

Scrimers99 says, "in the club?"

? gypsycaine says, "Lady Gypsy Nightfall, at your service."

Scrimers99 says, "ok thanks"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I know it's you - your persona made interesting reading!!!"

? gypsycaine says, "thank you."

Scrimers99 says, "we should have a 500 member party"

selah_1977 says, "Smitsmer, I'm a teacher so most people don't think we have real jobs anyway"

triner2001 says, "I work in the schools, I'll be home by 5 to read the daily influx of messages"

smitster1 says, "I don't have a real job either"

? gypsycaine says, "I am done with school."

jenP_97 says, "Where should we have the party? Denny's?"

selah_1977 says, "Smitster I mean"

? gypsycaine says, "my last grade was emailed to me today."

Scrimers99 says, "B & N!"

smitster1 says, "But I've thought about becoming a teacher. I think that would be much more fun"

? gypsycaine says, "I did it.."

? gypsycaine dances.

gypsycaine . o O ( 4.0 )

selah_1977 says, "CONGRATULATIONS!"

gypsycaine . o O ( for summer semester only. )

Scrimers99 says, "Barnes and Noble! hah"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Well done - is 4.0 good?"

triner2001 says, "way to go , Gypsy"

dee_97527 says, "Good for you Dee"

jenP_97 says, "I'm a teacher... and I had a computer lab where all I had to do was sit and read my email and messages."

jenP_97 says, "what a job! "

Scrimers99 says, "how many teachers here geez"

? gypsycaine says, "i took the eight weeks versions of Business Administration, Speech, and Statistics."

selah_1977 says, "Wow Jen... I'm jealous!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I'm not a teacher"

triner2001 says, "Not a teacher, a speehc therapist"

? gypsycaine says, "Neil, that's I believe, OWLs?"

triner2001 says, "er, speech therapist"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I'm a ... what am I?"

dee_97527 says, "Not a teacher, former Camp Fire leader"

p_dumbledore says, "It's like one of those jobs where you have to surf the net finding information for people.. JOB ??? NOT !! FUN !! YES !!!"

? babynick34 says, "Jen - sounds great... I just have small offices, one has email access - so I read there (when the CEO is not in)."

? gypsycaine says, "or is it NEWTs?"

selah_1977 says, "No, Dee, NEWTs, right?"

triner2001 says, "obviously not a typist"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I run an information service..."

? gypsycaine says, "IT or IS?"

? babynick34 says, "Camp Fire leader... oh no, brings back memories of my scouting days."

niamh_o_leary enters

smitster1 says, "I gave the institution example because I just was in a lecture where the professor said the same thing. It remimded be of my job. Sorry to step on toes"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Camp Fire leader - is that like the Guides?"

jenP_97 says, "I'm going to go back to school to become an architect... teaching tends to drag me down sometimes."

? gypsycaine says, "I was a one day brownie, so I can't contribute much to that."

dee_97527 says, "It was fun, but we moved 2000 miles away"

Your buddy nightfall06 leaves games

triner2001 says, "Former Girls Scout here"

Scrimers99 says, "what is JK's website anyway?"

dee_97527 says, "Yes Camp Fire would be like the Guides. We were also coed"

? gypsycaine says, "(mom yanked me out."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I tried to join the Cubs, but i was too young.."

Scrimers99 says, "www.jkrowling.com ?"

? babynick34 says, "JK's site, does she have one?"

Your buddy nightfall06 is in games

flying_ford_anglia says, "and I got pissed off that they wouldn't take me"

jenP_97 says, "can you imagine how much email she'd get if we knew her address? "

? gypsycaine says, "cubscouts?"

? gypsycaine says, "LOL!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "yes"

? gypsycaine says, "her box would be worse than Montel's!"

p_dumbledore says, "And we are complaining about the posts here.. ha !!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "That sounds rude"

jenP_97 says, "hahaha"

Scrimers99 says, "well di you hear she answers to some of her letters with Dumbledore i think"

niamh_o_leary says, "im back!!"

? gypsycaine says, "there is a site at that link."

? babynick34 says, "Fiddy complains about the number of snail-mail letters she gets from me, I remember her phoning back in late June to say she got two in the same week!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "She must get 1,000,000 mails a week asking how to say Hermione"

smitster1 says, "Penny is online, but not here......"

? gypsycaine nods, understanding.

niamh_o_leary says, "my son was acub he looked really cute in the uniform"

? gypsycaine says, "should I just go by Denise, today?"

gypsycaine . o O ( as there is another Dee? )

? babynick34 says, "Fiddy is Jo's PA for those of you who don't know. Fiddy answers most of the post these days."

Scrimers99 says, "yep im looking at that site"

dee_97527 says, "I am Diann."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I'm sure I would look cute in the uniform... now i mean"

smitster1 says, "She answers the kids who want to go to Hogwarts. I didn't know about the Dumbledore thing. That should REALLY help confused and lonely kids"

gypsycaine . o O ( so you go by Di? )

Scrimers99 says, "ooh"

niamh_o_leary says, "he would die"

dee_97527 says, "No, Diann"

Scrimers99 says, "listen to this"

niamh_o_leary says, "he's almost 16 very trendy"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Dumbledore is more popular than Santa, I'll bet"

Scrimers99 says, "Worldwide Agents:"

? gypsycaine says, "who would you get to play him?"

? gypsycaine says, "Sean Connery?"

jenP_97 says, "I'd rather get a letter from Dumbledore than almost anything from Santa."

? gypsycaine says, "or is he too regal?"

Scrimers99 says, "whoa sorry"

triner2001 says, "as long as it wasn't a Howler, Jen"

jenP_97 says, "Man, I wouldn't even care if it was a howler. "

triner2001 says, ""

Your buddy lady_black_raven_drago is on pager

niamh_o_leary says, "sean connery is way too cool"

? babynick34 says, "Incidently, don't bother emailing Christopher, he does not even seem to read his mail."

? gypsycaine says, " a howler would be cool."

flying_ford_anglia says, "yes... Dumbeldore... maybe that guy from Babe"

? gypsycaine says, "guy from babe?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Who is Christopher?"

jenP_97 says, "He's not British though, Neil."

triner2001 says, "Jonathon Cromwell, Neil?"

? babynick34 says, "Christopher, is the guy who discovered Jo... he is the agent."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Yes -"

smitster1 says, "Columbo"

? gypsycaine says, "I was thinking scottish/irish/etc."

? babynick34 says, "www.jkrowling.com is Christopher's site."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I see..."

? gypsycaine says, "that book, by the way, said a bit about him."

Scrimers99 says, "says worldwide agents, Christopher Little Literacy Agency, 10 Eel Brook Studios, London, SW6 4PS (?), england"

smitster1 says, "Oh, I thought you were talking about the director guy"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I see (again)"

Scrimers99 says, "Tel: (44) 171 736 4455"

? babynick34 says, "Christopher, not to be confused with Chris Columbus - who arrives on 8th August."

p_dumbledore says, "with a sub note.. "one rich guy""

Scrimers99 says, "Fax: (44) 171 736 4490"

jenP_97 says, "Chris Columbus - setting out to discover Harry Potter."

selah_1977 says, "I don't blame Christopher/JKR for not doing a US signing tour"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I'm not that interested in JKR's agent, to be honest"

triner2001 says, "There's a guy on "As Time Goes By" who plays Geoffrey Palmer's father Rocky who would be perfect for Dumbledore"

smitster1 says, "And will miss the boat, I'm sure"

jenP_97 says, "No kidding."

triner2001 says, "but I don't know his name"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I heard that Tim Roth decided to do Planet of the Apes"

? gypsycaine says, "i heard that too."

smitster1 says, "Wise and talented man"

flying_ford_anglia says, "instead of playing Snape"

Scrimers99 says, "POTA/"

triner2001 says, "Why are they redoing Planet of the Apes?"

Scrimers99 says, "planet of the apes?"

? babynick34 says, "Chris Columbus is buying one of my climbing frames!"

niamh_o_leary says, "so tim roths not snape?"

? gypsycaine says, "whoa."

triner2001 says, "Isn't the orginal series enough?"

? gypsycaine says, "there's a date for the movie?"

selah_1977 says, "Too bad... he would have been perfect!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "No - they are remaking PotA"

smitster1 says, "I have big problems getting excited about a Harry Potter film. I may be wrong, but...."

Scrimers99 says, "have a site on POTA?"

selah_1977 says, "I am too Smitster!"

? gypsycaine says, "I liked the book better."

flying_ford_anglia says, "No other info"

selah_1977 says, "I have a feeling that they're not going to find Harry in time."

gypsycaine . o O ( the book--PotA )

Scrimers99 says, "ok"

? babynick34 says, "I'm not a great fan of the film idea... as we have discussed here before, a Radio play would be far better."

jenP_97 says, "I don't think I'm going to go see the movie - not until I hear from other people that it's good."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I'm not keen on the film, but strangely unable to avoid thinking about it"

? gypsycaine says, "I will see the $2 showing prolly."

Scrimers99 says, "books are always better"

niamh_o_leary says, "i am worried about the film i must admit"

triner2001 says, "I'll probably check it out"

Scrimers99 says, "well, it will make plenty of money"

dee_97527 says, "We will not stand in line for the movie"

Scrimers99 says, "if its half decent"

triner2001 says, "but am sure I'll prefer the book-- I always do"

gypsycaine . o O ( $2 for SS )

niamh_o_leary says, "too many things can go awry"

selah_1977 says, "well there have been good children's book-to-movie adaptation... the trick is to find the right child actors/actresses"

Scrimers99 leaves

Scrimers99 enters

jenP_97 says, "I'd camp out for 2 days for the book, but I'd only see the matinee for the movie. I'm not paying $7 to see it."

? gypsycaine says, "Stuart Little didn't transfer well."

flying_ford_anglia says, "It's as interesting as the HP bookends i guess"

smitster1 says, "My town doesn't have a WB store. I shutter to think what it must look like after reading the posts on what they were selling."

p_dumbledore says, "I agree with Nick, I think a radio play.."

niamh_o_leary says, "hollywood is so good at changing things to suit them"

? babynick34 says, "I wonder if Warner bros will send me VIP tickets - I expect not... even though I did mention it for my giving them my domain name with out complaining too much."

jenP_97 says, "Yah, well, I didn't like Stuart Little the book."

? gypsycaine says, "It was cool, alright, but it had too much not in the book."

triner2001 says, "Unless they change a lot of things, like say endings"

? babynick34 says, "I liked the film - Stuart Little - not read the book."

p_dumbledore says, "If they do get a cast of characters, it will be hard to keep them together for 7 movies.. if they do one from each book."

? gypsycaine says, "i didn't like the swearing."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Stuart Little has an English actor playing an American - any comment on his accent/"

selah_1977 says, "What if they don't find the right child actors? The Anne movies were cast well, and so was the recent version of Little Women..."

? gypsycaine says, "why did the cats have to swear?"

niamh_o_leary says, "do you know in england warner bros have no hp merchandise what a scandal"

jenP_97 says, "Which actor?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hugh Laurie"

Your buddy immortal_dragon_evernight is on pager

selah_1977 says, "but I fear the HP movie may be a bomb"

jenP_97 says, "(I haven't seen the movie for ages - who did he play?)"

? babynick34 says, "Hollywood contracts are great like that - if they get first-time actors for the major roles, then 7 year contracts should not be a problem."

Scrimers99 says, "could be"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I'm shocked!"

triner2001 says, "So many expectations"

smitster1 says, "They were bad cats."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I think he was the Dad"

? gypsycaine says, "it was a kids' movie, though."

selah_1977 says, "But will we tire of the franchise after, say, the third movie?"

Scrimers99 says, "well whoever plays hp will get lots of recognition"

flying_ford_anglia says, "i haven't seen it - saw trailers"

? gypsycaine says, "I really didn't like my son imitating the cats, he's only three."

jenP_97 says, "Hm. I think his accent was okay - especially since I didn't notice it - but he *did* sound a bit stiff."

? babynick34 says, "niamh - I complained to their Head Office a good few months back... they said it would be out here in December. They have yet to tell me why there is a delay."

? gypsycaine says, "he did pretty well."

flying_ford_anglia says, "That's bad - and they make a fuss about witchcraft!"

? gypsycaine says, "witchcraft, i am not afraid of."

dee_97527 says, "There are some people who fuss about anything"

triner2001 says, "i think there was swearing in "Antz" as well"

? gypsycaine <-- is a witch

Scrimers99 says, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

selah_1977 says, "I'm not much for speculating about the movies..."

niamh_o_leary says, "thanks nick, im in PA in september so i will stock up then. For my children of course!!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Oh, we're in good compnay"

? gypsycaine says, "what does that mean, please?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "company"

flying_ford_anglia says, "No Book 4 please!"

selah_1977 says, "Let's go back to fave characters and Percy..."

gypsycaine . o O ( didn't know it was b4. )

? gypsycaine says, "Percy's interesting."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I should have said nothing"

Scrimers99 says, "we're going all over the place"

? gypsycaine says, "he's trying so hard to be like his brothers."

? gypsycaine says, "meanwhile his younger brothers are torturing the school."

smitster1 says, "We've got 11 people!"

niamh_o_leary says, "Percys a pillock but sweet with it"

? gypsycaine says, "and getting into all sorts of trouble, so he tries to keep them in line."

? babynick34 says, "Talking of going... must start thinking about dinner."

Scrimers99 says, "i think ginny will play a bigger role in 5, 6 or 7?"

triner2001 says, "Percy is the mother hen of the Wealey bros. ( and the Weasley sister, too)"

flying_ford_anglia says, "At least one member of the clan had to be a goody two-shoes"

? gypsycaine says, "(family honor)"

selah_1977 says, "Percy is so misunderstood."

smitster1 says, "I haven't listened to the audio version, has anyone else?"

jenP_97 says, "I don't know. I just can't get into Percy at all."

flying_ford_anglia says, "ginny is a bit left out - an afterthought almost"

? gypsycaine says, "if you had brothers like Fred and George, wouldn't you want them in line?"

dee_97527 says, "Percy is the rebel of the Weasley family"

niamh_o_leary says, "he really wants to do the right thing"

triner2001 says, "lol , Diann"

Scrimers99 says, "Percy is mis understoood"

Scrimers99 says, "he tries to do what is best for all"

p_dumbledore says, "I think Percy, is trying compete with his older brothers, and gain the attention of all, Since he wasn't athletic he had to go for smart."

selah_1977 says, "No! Don't curb Fred and George! They're perfect! They just annoy Percy to no end."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Percy could let his hair down a bit"

niamh_o_leary says, "i have the audio for PS"

? gypsycaine says, "i didn't say that I didn't like F&G."

Scrimers99 says, "where is penelope?"

triner2001 says, "Percy is what Hermione would be if seh didn't have haryy and Ron to temper her"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I think he'll join a rock band"

selah_1977 says, "Percy and Hermione seemed similar in PS/SS"

jenP_97 says, "I like Percy okay - and I know he's doing his "best", but I swear, it almost seems like he does no thinking for himself, and that irritates me."

niamh_o_leary says, "percy is noble"

dee_97527 says, "We have all the audios"

selah_1977 says, "Exactly Trina!"

smitster1 says, "From what I heard from brief "checks" of the audio version was the accent that Mr. Dale(sp) have Percy. Percy seemed to have a more upperclass accent than the twins which I thought was odd."

jenP_97 says, "However, I *do* think he'll start thinking for himself in the next 3 books."

jenP_97 says, "He'll have to."

Scrimers99 says, "where is penelope?"

selah_1977 says, "Why don't you like the twins Dee?"

? gypsycaine says, "I could see it though smitster."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Percy is prim and proper - horn-rimmed specs etc - a bit of a cliché"

niamh_o_leary says, "no people strive for a better accent to sound superior"

? gypsycaine says, "I love the twins."

Scrimers99 says, "I love the twins, minnesota twins, weasley twins....."

triner2001 says, "He's had quite the shock in GoF and it'll affect him and his actions"

selah_1977 says, "Oh..."

? gypsycaine says, "I laugh harder for those two than anyone else in the book."

Scrimers99 says, "NO GoF!"

selah_1977 says, "The entire Weasley family is priceless."

flying_ford_anglia says, "JKR likes twins - I think another character will end up having an evil twin..."

selah_1977 says, "We can't discuss GoF, as not everyone here has read it yet..."

Your buddy raistlinmajare has gone off pager

? gypsycaine says, "Ron's using the telephone had me lolling!"

triner2001 says, "I wasn't going to elaborate!"

p_dumbledore says, "Yes, send Ginny back a toilet seat from Hogworts.. priceless"

Scrimers99 says, "i like how when they sent harry a letter covered with stamps"

triner2001 says, "the felly-tone!"

niamh_o_leary says, "do you think they will have london accents or be more regional? the weasleys"

? gypsycaine says, "Harry could hear him even though Vernon answered."

selah_1977 says, "Ginny is adorable... I don't think there's enough room left in the series to make her a major character though... too much other stuff going on... she had her moment in CoS"

flying_ford_anglia says, "The Weasleys are hilarious - Liverpool accents?"

? gypsycaine says, "no one commented, btw, on my selection for Petunia."

jenP_97 says, "That was my first impression, Neil."

Scrimers99 says, "true ginny had her biggest moment"

niamh_o_leary says, "my mother shouts down the phone!!!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Good idea Dee"

Scrimers99 says, "unless something happens with her and Harry"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Joanna Lumley -"

? gypsycaine says, "exactly."

? babynick34 says, ""Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?" - Fred being cheeky!"

smitster1 says, "JKR brings people into and out of focus as needed. I'm still holding out for more Ginny"

? gypsycaine says, "have you seen James and the Giant Peach?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "She has the horsey teeth"

smitster1 says, "Horrid film"

smitster1 says, "Good book"

selah_1977 says, "AH! I LOVE that scene Nick!!!"

niamh_o_leary says, "joanna lumley will be excellent"

jenP_97 says, "I liked her okay in Cold Comfort Farm..."

? gypsycaine says, "only seen her in the two--Ab Fab, and James."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Molly Weasley is a strong character.."

? gypsycaine says, "she's a good actress, though."

? babynick34 says, "Being able to search the books for text is great... found that by looking for first occurace of George."

triner2001 says, "I love mrs W"

niamh_o_leary says, "i still remember her from the new avengers"

? gypsycaine says, "Who should play her?"

selah_1977 says, "No H/G, please. I hope Harry doesn't end up with anyone... and Mrs. Weasley is a dear"

Scrimers99 says, "what happend to wood?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Lumley played Purdey in the New Avengers and Sapphire in Sapphire and Steel"

Scrimers99 says, "think we'll see him ever again?"

selah_1977 says, "I think Wood graduated in PoA"

niamh_o_leary says, "what about dawn french?"

? gypsycaine says, "New Avengers, the movie?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Dawn French for Sprout or Pomfrey?"

Scrimers99 says, "think we;ll see him at a qudditch game sometime?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "No, the TV series"

? gypsycaine says, "oh."

jenP_97 says, "Haha... Pomfrey, definitely. "

selah_1977 says, "Scrimers--perhaps so."

? gypsycaine says, "what about Ralph watsa name from the movie for Snape?"

triner2001 says, "he was a 7th year in pOa"

triner2001 leaves

triner2001 enters

triner2001 leaves

flying_ford_anglia says, "Fiennes?"

? gypsycaine says, "that's it."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Too dashing"

selah_1977 says, "Nah... Fiennes is not Snape"

jenP_97 says, "nah. Need someone more greasy."

triner2001 enters

niamh_o_leary says, "no fiennes is too noble someone much slimier"

flying_ford_anglia says, "It's a tricky one"

triner2001 says, "Hey, I was booted!"

selah_1977 says, "Roth would have been perfect"

? gypsycaine says, "i can't see him as lupin. or black."

selah_1977 says, "oh well"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Lupin, perhaps"

triner2001 says, "Which Fiennes?"

selah_1977 says, "Well, there's no Lupin or Black in the first movie"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Ralph"

Scrimers99 says, "crabbe and goyle ever become a bigger part?"

magicalhp enters

Scrimers99 says, "hey magic"

? gypsycaine says, "doesn't mean they won't have the sequal. (sp)"

flying_ford_anglia says, "C & G are just extras"

magicalhp says, "Hey "

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hi"

selah_1977 says, "Hi!"

triner2001 says, "He could be Lucius Malfoy"

Scrimers99 says, "i know but the way JK develops everyone...."

magicalhp says, "Cool to see the people whose posts I've been reading!"

niamh_o_leary says, "hello"

smitster1 says, "C&G may more important in future books."

? gypsycaine says, "now there's an idea."

jenP_97 says, "I like him as Lucius."

triner2001 says, "Ralph Fiennes, I mean"

? gypsycaine says, "that sounds right."

jenP_97 says, "Blond him up a bit... that'd be perfect."

smitster1 says, "You can see me?"

selah_1977 says, "Speaking of C&G, I want to like Draco, but JKR makes it really, really hard"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Christopher Walken"

niamh_o_leary says, "yes a good malfoy senior"

? gypsycaine says, "he was no Steel, I know that!"

magicalhp says, "Sort of <g>"

Scrimers99 says, "pansy parkinson malfoys gf?"

Your buddy awintersky is on pager

? gypsycaine says, "i keep looking for the good in the boy, he sounds so horrid."

? gypsycaine says, "i was beaten up by people like him."

triner2001 says, "He just spouts off what he's heard at home"

p_dumbledore says, "bad parents... like father like son"

selah_1977 says, ". o O (lost--must watch more movies with Brit actors)"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Malfoy is a gift for a young actor - nasty is more fun to play"

selah_1977 says, "That's true Neil..."

Your buddy echomyst is on pager

jenP_97 says, "I agree.."

gypsycaine . o O ( combine Hermoine and Harry-that's me, glasses and all) )

? babynick34 says, "Malfoy is an only child isn't he... a bit spoiled as well."

jenP_97 says, "(I was the murderer in my class play in high school - the only part I would agree to play)"

magicalhp says, "Has anyone heard a rumor that the location for Hogwarts has been selected?"

? gypsycaine says, "i am not certain nick."

dee_97527 says, "but Malfoy is not as spoiled as Dudley"

triner2001 says, "Dudley, but thinner"

Scrimers99 says, "still whoever plays malfoy will be hated even in public by kids who dont know better"

? gypsycaine says, "Dudley is a creampuff (at least in shape!)"

smitster1 says, "Malfoy: Don't know yet"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Let's not go there..."

? gypsycaine says, "it specifically said that his behind hung over the kitchen chairs, and that his many chins....."

niamh_o_leary says, "and dudley is just a sap no cruel just stupid"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hogwarts - mostly interiors...perhaps they'll build a set?"

Scrimers99 says, "tell penny to come in"

selah_1977 says, "Don't forget, they could do a lot with computer generated sets"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Dudley is a personification of greed and spoiling"

magicalhp says, "A friend told me a castle called Alnwick (I think) may be Hogwarts in the movie.."

? gypsycaine says, "has anyone seen the DVD of excalibur?"

niamh_o_leary says, "edingburgh castle would be perfect"

triner2001 says, "especially with that disappearing step"

? gypsycaine says, "how they do the tricks?"

magicalhp says, "I need to check out a picture of that niamh"

jenP_97 says, "I want to see the doors that aren't really doors but walls "just pretending""

Scrimers99 says, "malfoy + Dudley=????"

? gypsycaine says, "lol."

magicalhp says, "LOL scary"

? gypsycaine says, "i know the paintings will have to be cg'ed!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "The sets for Elizabeth were great - something like that would be cool"

"echomyst is now away."

? gypsycaine says, "how about Nicol for Dumbledore?"

selah_1977 says, "Isn't it interesting that most of the kids in HP are only children?"

triner2001 says, "Who,Dee?"

? gypsycaine says, "Merlin from Excalibur."

Scrimers99 says, "He who must not be named= Harry+ Malfoy? ha i dont think that is quite equal"

? gypsycaine says, "I have seen his Hamlet. excellent."

Your buddy immortal_dragon_evernight has gone off pager

smitster1 says, "I want to see that trick step!"

Scrimers99 says, "well harry is powerful and malfoy is mean so...."

Scrimers99 says, "will we see krum again>"

flying_ford_anglia says, "SFX will be very much in evidence - Quidditch, ghosts, Hagrid etc."

smitster1 says, "Is Harry truely powerful???"

Your buddy drkngl has gone off pager

niamh_o_leary says, "sign of the times selah families are getting smaller"

? gypsycaine says, "i think harry is."

selah_1977 says, "Harry definitely is"

? gypsycaine says, "look at the dementors."

smitster1 says, "selah_1977: How so?"

dee_97527 says, "Harry is very powerful"

Scrimers99 says, "he is almost equal to voldemort"

Scrimers99 says, "Harry= Voldemort?"

Scrimers99 says, "will we see krum again?"

selah_1977 says, "by the end of #7 he'll surpass Voldemort"

triner2001 says, "But the good side, huh"

smitster1 says, "I guess I never really got that impression yet."

magicalhp says, "I've been wondering if Harry is somehow related to Vold"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Harry is like an ueberwizard, as we've hinted before"

? gypsycaine says, "ueber?"

selah_1977 says, "Right Neil..."

Scrimers99 says, "will we see krum again?"

niamh_o_leary says, "we have a show here called dark knight they had a creature on it which looked so much like a dementor would it was great"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Voldemort is also very powerful"

triner2001 says, "I don't want that godd gy related to bad guy thing to happen"

? gypsycaine says, "Dark Knight, the vampire show?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Like a megawizard"

smitster1 says, "megawizard?"

selah_1977 says, "No Star Wars echoes! How cheesy!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "A level up from a regular wizard"

triner2001 says, "way too much like Star Wars"

magicalhp says, "LOL"

niamh_o_leary says, "ueber its german fot ultimate or something"

triner2001 says, "I like SW, but it's been done"

smitster1 says, "But from what example?"

Scrimers99 says, "well guys i had better go, but it was nice talking to you all! I'll try coming next week, in the meantime, i'll keep up to alll the posts! Bye"

niamh_o_leary says, "no dark knight the adventures od ivanhoe"

selah_1977 says, "bye Scrimers!"

magicalhp says, "Take care Scrimmers "

dee_97527 says, "bye scrimers"

triner2001 says, "bye!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "See you er Scrimers"

Scrimers99 says, "yep see ya"

? gypsycaine says, "ohhhh"

p_dumbledore says, "bye"

niamh_o_leary says, "sword and scorcery"

? gypsycaine says, "bye!"

Scrimers99 leaves

niamh_o_leary says, "bye"

? gypsycaine says, "just as long as Lucy Lawless isn't cast in HP!"

magicalhp says, "ROFL!!"

jenP_97 says, "lol!"

selah_1977 says, "I like the recessive gene theory re: Harry... there's only one in so many hundred thousands, or in a generation..."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Who?"

selah_1977 says, "Xena"

gypsycaine . o O ( lol Neil...sorry. )

? gypsycaine says, "(test....not scrolling)"

smitster1 says, "I guess where I was going was Harry's protection from Vold. came from first his mother and then there's possible from Dumbledore"

p_dumbledore says, "Unless she plays the owner of the Pub in the city.."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Yes - it's like... people with gifts, such as musical gifts or artistic gifts. He's the Mozart of maigc..."

selah_1977 says, "I think that there's a little more to Harry than just his mom's protection..."

? babynick34 says, "Edinburgh Castle could make a good location for Hogwarts. See it now at: http://www.camvista.com/scotland/edinburgh/ecastle.php3"

flying_ford_anglia says, "magic that was..."

niamh_o_leary says, "wasnt the owner of the pub a man?"

smitster1 says, "Perhaps, but I won't know until the story develops more."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Madam Rosmerta?"

triner2001 says, "Dad was a pretty strong wizard too"

smitster1 says, "My spelling is off today."

niamh_o_leary says, "thaats what i said nick it would be great wouldnt it"

p_dumbledore says, "Yes.. couldn't remember her name.!!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "the pub at Hogsmeade..."

Your buddy echomyst has gone off pager

jenP_97 says, "I thought you meant Tom the barkeeper."

selah_1977 says, "Hagrid says in SS that James and Lily were the best of their class or something to that effect..."

triner2001 says, "Wrong pub, Jen"

? gypsycaine says, "ROLF"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I agree - as I said in the posts - Edinburgh castle looks the part"

jenP_97 says, "right.... now I know. "

? gypsycaine says, "Head Boy and Head Girl."

niamh_o_leary says, "me too as in POA"

selah_1977 says, "thanks Dee!"

niamh_o_leary says, "diagon alley"

? babynick34 says, "Sun hasen't set in Edinburgh yet... has here nearly."

? gypsycaine says, "btw, what is that?"

Your buddy jackal_0913 has gone off pager

triner2001 says, "what is what?"

? gypsycaine says, "valavictorian (horribly spelled?)"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Xena could play ...oops Book 4 - you know who I mean - big girl?"

? gypsycaine says, "head boy and girl...."

niamh_o_leary says, "whats what jen?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Valedictorian?"

jenP_97 says, "huh?"

? gypsycaine says, "thank you."

? babynick34 says, "Back soon... I need to get some food. "

? gypsycaine says, "that is what I meant Neil."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Like the best in class< I guess"

niamh_o_leary says, "right one of each is chosen to sort of be in charge of the prefects etc"

? gypsycaine says, "ok, so what is a prefect?"

? babynick34 says, "BYE for now... back in about 1/2 hour, maybe less."

niamh_o_leary says, "get the elves to send it up nick"

triner2001 says, "see ya nick"

p_dumbledore says, "good eating Nick.. Chinese I'm guessing ?"

smitster1 says, "bye nick"

? gypsycaine says, "I am assuming that Percy's nature isn't that of all prefects."

niamh_o_leary says, "I was a prefect"

babynick34 leaves

dee_97527 leaves

? gypsycaine says, "ok, niamh, so what is it?"

? gypsycaine says, "a hall monitor?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Oh right - a prefect takes on some responsibilities that the teachers might do (discipline etc.)"

niamh_o_leary says, "a certain amount are chosen to patrol corridors keep order etc"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I was a prefect too..."

niamh_o_leary says, "no i was terrible i loved it because i got to stay in when it was cold outside"

flying_ford_anglia says, "not that it means much - I wasn't a valedictorian!"

Your buddy plinsenmayer is in chat

plinsenmayer enters

triner2001 says, "glorified hall monitor, but looks good on a resume,"

? gypsycaine says, "hey!"

p_dumbledore says, "I was just the audio visual guy !! ( I don't see an equil at Hogworts)"

? gypsycaine says, "hi penny."

niamh_o_leary says, "ford was it fun"

jenP_97 says, "(okay, no more illegal conversation!)"

plinsenmayer says, "Hi!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "and the kids ran me ragged... I was the kindly prefect (I.e. the 'mug')"

plinsenmayer says, ""Illegal"? <g>"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hi Penny!"

? gypsycaine says, "i was a library ass't."

triner2001 says, "Hi Penny"

smitster1 says, "Oh nothing, Penny!"

niamh_o_leary says, "and of course you got to wear a badge!!!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "We were all taking drugs..."

jenP_97 says, "hiya, Penny."

magicalhp says, "Here's the castle rumored as a location http://www.alnwickcastle.comhttp://www.alnwickcastle.com/"

p_dumbledore says, "Hi ya Penny"

plinsenmayer says, "Glad to hear you all were up to no good"

jenP_97 says, "gotta take the clothes out of the dryer... brb"

niamh_o_leary says, "i went too an all girls school so i had no grief as a prefect"

plinsenmayer says, "sorry to spoil the fun -- is the other list-mom here? Melanie?"

Your buddy lady_calla has gone off pager

gypsycaine . o O ( ack, i am surrounded by catepillars. )

flying_ford_anglia says, "I may have to eat soon... I'll check with my stomach"

niamh_o_leary says, "ford thats terrible where did you go to school?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Melanie is not here"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I went to school in Wellingborough"

plinsenmayer says, "What are we talking about today?"

magicalhp says, "oops strike half of that URL"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Northants"

triner2001 says, "my computer is taking over!"

niamh_o_leary says, "as in herts?"

? gypsycaine says, "brb. chasing child out of fridge."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Northamptonshire"

triner2001 says, "doing weird things that I'm not asking it to do!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "You must be irish originally?"

niamh_o_leary says, "Well we had no drugs in my schoolbut it was in the 70s"

p_dumbledore says, "Dee, I understand that if you put them in the fridge it slows them down considerably and are easier to manage."

niamh_o_leary says, "I am indeed irish from cork"

selah_1977 leaves

flying_ford_anglia says, "Oh, that was a joke about this chat room (not my school!)"

flying_ford_anglia says, "We were discussing Percy and film casting"

niamh_o_leary says, "But I went to school in Essex no joke please"

flying_ford_anglia says, "and other things"

niamh_o_leary says, "and prefects"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Would I jest"

? gypsycaine says, "i would have loved to go to school in essex."

plinsenmayer says, "Separate topics or who will be cast as Percy? I assume the former."

flying_ford_anglia says, "joke"

flying_ford_anglia says, "The former"

flying_ford_anglia says, "and then prefects"

dee_97527 enters

plinsenmayer says, "I *like* Percy -- perhaps I'm in the minority on that?"

niamh_o_leary says, "where are you from gypsy?"

? gypsycaine says, "wb diann"

? gypsycaine says, "ohio"

triner2001 says, "I like him too Penny"

flying_ford_anglia says, "No, I like his bristly nature"

dee_97527 says, "thanks"

niamh_o_leary says, "no i like percy too"

Your buddy lady_black_raven_drago has gone off pager

vivace1320 enters

selah_1977 enters

? gypsycaine says, "me 2"

plinsenmayer says, "I think he adds some humor for one thing -- his pomposity!"

niamh_o_leary says, "hello"

Your buddy awintersky has gone off pager

flying_ford_anglia says, "He tries to be really good and polite, but is probably just as bad as the twins on the inside!"

selah_1977 says, "back!"

vivace1320 says, "hello"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hi"

plinsenmayer says, "Selah -- is that Ebony?"

triner2001 says, "He just tries hard and it comes off pompous"

niamh_o_leary says, "ok essex is the new jersey of england "

plinsenmayer says, "Percy's ambitious but so are the twins & Ron for sure"

flying_ford_anglia says, "He's a sweetie really... "

niamh_o_leary says, "you have jersey girl jokes we have essex girl jokes"

magicalhp says, "LOL"

? gypsycaine says, "so what's wrong with Jersey? Got some friends from there. Just because their family ties are Family ties..."

flying_ford_anglia says, "White high heeled shoes and permed hair?"

triner2001 says, "He just never tempers ambition with fun"

smitster1 says, "Parts of Jersey do kinda smell."

plinsenmayer says, "LOL (re: white shoes)"

magicalhp says, "BIG hair"

jenP_97 says, "hehe"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I think Percy has fun in his bedroom..."

jenP_97 says, "um..."

niamh_o_leary says, "yes ford i have never had either of those i wouldnt dare"

smitster1 says, "But my neck of the woods also smells"

plinsenmayer says, "Ooh do explain what you mean Neil!"

jenP_97 says, "okay, neil."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Big hair - I love that phrase"

p_dumbledore says, "Percy is ambitious but he has no real skills like the twins or his older brothers... so it's easy for him to be the bureaucrat !! and gain his Place in the family from that."

? gypsycaine says, "i can see percy taking over for fudge."

niamh_o_leary says, "now you understand why im quiet about essex!"

selah_1977 says, "Percy's skill is his intelligence... and his obedience to rules"

dee_97527 says, "Percy and fudge seem to be two of a kind"

plinsenmayer says, "Before I get booted off the computer (storm brewing here) -- thoughts on ending GoF spoilers??"

smitster1 says, "He is very good at rules."

triner2001 says, "His almost blind obedience to rules"

niamh_o_leary says, "i think percy wants to be fudge"

selah_1977 says, "Obedience can be a strength"

gypsycaine . o O ( please, a no here, penny. )

flying_ford_anglia says, "Well, he must relax somehow. I bet he makes macramé plant stands, or does that thing boys do in their bedrooms (note the name Percy - i say no more)"

gypsycaine . o O ( i have to wait until my birthday to get my copy, :( ) )

jenP_97 says, "maybe we should wait until after Dee's birthday."

p_dumbledore says, "I don't think that Percy is all that intelligent.. he may be smart, but not intelegent."

niamh_o_leary says, "its way too hot here really muggy"

jenP_97 says, "to end the spoilers, that is."

selah_1977 says, "LOL Neil! Stop it!"

plinsenmayer says, "When's your birthday Dee?"

? gypsycaine says, "my birthday is August 29th."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Penny - we're avoiding GoF because GypsyCaine hasn't read it yet"

plinsenmayer says, "Macrame? Like from the 1970s?"

selah_1977 says, "Wow! Mine is August 11th."

? gypsycaine says, "a tuesday."

niamh_o_leary says, "percy is a very nice name LOL"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Macramé - whenever you fancy it!"

gypsycaine . o O ( i keep thinking of the dog in pocohantus. )

p_dumbledore says, "gosh and mine is the 16th.. (Elvis Death Day)"

magicalhp says, "I don't think he's very streetwise either"

niamh_o_leary says, "i had an uncle perce"

vivace1320 says, "well, he did get all those OWLs. he can't be completely untalented"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Mine is 13th May"

jenP_97 says, "ouch, the yellow burns my eyes!"

plinsenmayer says, "I don't mind avoiding discussing GoF -- but we should keep spoilers on until end of August then? We've had some lapses & I just want to know whether to beat up on people!"

dee_97527 says, "Mine is may 30"

jenP_97 says, "(of course, the green does, too)"

magicalhp says, "Mine is 31 January"

triner2001 says, "18th September"

selah_1977 says, "Hi Penny! I didn't see you before!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Yes, Vivace - turn it down!"

jenP_97 says, "22 May"

? gypsycaine says, "i know there are others who haven't read it yet, Penny."

vivace1320 says, "yellow? this is yellow."

niamh_o_leary says, "17 july"

smitster1 says, "Mine is 31 October. A most excellent HP birthday (plus, last year it was 25 hours)"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Eeek !"

? gypsycaine says, "how aobut this?"

dee_97527 says, "the first of Sept sounds good Penny"

plinsenmayer says, "Ooh, it's very yellow!! Ouch!"

triner2001 says, "I can't read that !"

? gypsycaine says, "is this too bright, Neil."

smitster1 says, "Can't read yellow!"

jenP_97 says, "no!"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Can't see it"

? gypsycaine chuckles wickedly!

triner2001 says, "the yellow, I mean"

p_dumbledore says, "Yeech yellow, cant see it.."

flying_ford_anglia says, "How's my purple?"

dee_97527 says, "no yellow"

? gypsycaine says, "back to my blend."

triner2001 says, "loverly, Neil"

magicalhp says, "purple is good from here"

vivace1320 says, "hmmm, red."

plinsenmayer says, "Purple's fine. Yellow -- can't read"

niamh_o_leary says, "like the purple"

dee_97527 says, "nothing wrong with purple"

smitster1 says, "And I thought the colors were automagic"

selah_1977 says, "I had a couple of people on ignore... wanted to say that Penny--you've convinced me about your theory... "

flying_ford_anglia says, "Why are purple and green so common in wizard robes?"

selah_1977 says, "ignore by mistake, I mean... my computer's going nuts"

plinsenmayer says, "I saw I convinced you Ebony -- I was pleased! "

gypsycaine . o O ( they are my favorite colors. )

magicalhp says, "I love purple and green togther"

? gypsycaine says, "here's a aside thought."

magicalhp says, "ditto gypsy"

? gypsycaine says, "about robes."

plinsenmayer says, "Weren't purple & green the preppy colors of the 80s?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "What has Selah been ignoring?"

triner2001 says, "mint green and pink were preppy colors"

niamh_o_leary says, "purple and green are sort of regal colours are they not?"

? gypsycaine says, "when we grad over here, we wear the robes."

? gypsycaine says, "over our clothes."

jenP_97 says, "All the preps I knew wore day-glow shirts... polos, especially."

? gypsycaine says, "they aren't heavy, like a nylony material."

plinsenmayer says, "purple & green -- religious significance too."

triner2001 says, "with the collars turned up!"

? gypsycaine says, "i wore polos."

magicalhp says, "ARent they also color opposites?"

? gypsycaine frowns.

selah_1977 says, "My computer had three people on ignore when I got back in here... and I'm also known as Ebony... my real firsr name! :"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I had black robes with pale blue and sunshine yellow shoulder thingly"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Why did it do that Ebony?"

dee_97527 says, "my robes were purple"

triner2001 says, "shoulder thi ngy, more specific please!"

plinsenmayer says, "Consensus: GoF spoilers continue for another month?"

selah_1977 says, "It's an idiot, Neil... my computer, I mean..."

niamh_o_leary says, "where did you go to uni ford?"

? gypsycaine says, "couldn't Harry have the same thing?"

smitster1 says, "Vote No"

niamh_o_leary says, "ok no gof"

selah_1977 says, "Yes, spoilers until September"

flying_ford_anglia says, "It's like a scarf you toss over the shoulders - a bit camp for academia, if you ask me"

jenP_97 says, "I agree to the spoiler, but darnit, Dee, you'd better read your copy fast! "

? gypsycaine says, "why else would he keep having the scarlett cape-like for the covers, jeans, and t-shirts."

? gypsycaine says, "jen, dear."

jenP_97 says, "hehe."

? gypsycaine says, "I started CoS at ten Frid."

? gypsycaine says, "and ended PoA at 5 am!"

jenP_97 says, "I know. Just being silly."

selah_1977 says, "I keep on seeing the robes as medieval styled lab coats... don't ask me why."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I went to Coventry Polytechnic - so we only wore robes for graduation day!"

triner2001 says, "speed read, baby! :-)"

jenP_97 says, "Besides, once you start, you won't stop until the end, so it's not like you'll be in any danger."

? gypsycaine says, "i didn't mean to read so fast."

plinsenmayer says, "Purple hoods for lawyer grads over here"

? gypsycaine says, "I only meant to read the first chapter of PoA."

magicalhp says, "What did you study there ford?"

? gypsycaine says, "ours are based on the place you grad from."

niamh_o_leary says, "yep same at city university ive only ever seen them in black over here as well"

selah_1977 says, "You can't just read one HP chapter at a sitting! Impossible! "

? gypsycaine says, "school colors."

triner2001 says, "Can't be done- just one chapter"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Purple hoods - like Dementors?"

smitster1 says, "If you thought you were reading the book fast, wait 'til you start on 4k of messages"

? gypsycaine says, "i know."

vivace1320 says, "dementors have black hoods"

selah_1977 says, "What colors are the Dementors' robes?"

? gypsycaine says, "that's why i was awake at 5am."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I studied Biological Sciences"

niamh_o_leary says, "with the scarf thing "

flying_ford_anglia says, "Okay - that was a joke.."

magicalhp says, "Is that what you do now?"

plinsenmayer says, "No, I don't think like dementors. They called the grad ceremony "hooding" but like scarf things more than anything as I recall."

? gypsycaine says, "can't wait to read chapter one of 4!"

? gypsycaine says, "after floating aunt marge, the d's are gonna kill Harry!"

selah_1977 says, "I'm just about ready to send you my copy of #4, Dee,!"

? gypsycaine says, "LOL."

jenP_97 says, "Me too."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Not really - although I still use my science sometimes (I'm more a toxicologist)"

? gypsycaine says, "Kara's got it, she just doesn't think I deserve it yet."

jenP_97 says, "I have two. Would you like the Brit or American version? "

? gypsycaine says, "Brit."

? gypsycaine says, "but that's ok."

selah_1977 says, "<---- jealous of Jen"

plinsenmayer says, "Tell your friend that hundreds of Yahoo members demand she give it to you early."

flying_ford_anglia says, "...and an administrator I suppose"

selah_1977 says, "LOL, Penny!"

jenP_97 says, "It was cheaper than my US copy."

magicalhp says, "That's cool"

jenP_97 says, "Even with the airmail shipping."

? gypsycaine says, "I sat on her glasses, so she is a little upset with me."

magicalhp says, "Sooooo do you make toxins? <g>"

smitster1 says, "I was under the impression that the editions of #4 were the same."

triner2001 says, "maybe we can flood your friend with e-mail, demanding she let you have it"

? gypsycaine says, "katerinaugusta at yahoo.com"

? gypsycaine says, "lol"

selah_1977 says, "Do you think we've exhausted Percy this week?"

smitster1 says, "Someone caught the reference to Dumbledore's office password error in the US version of book #4"

flying_ford_anglia says, "No - I am not a poisoner. I used to work as a Biochemist in a Poisons Lab... these days I deal with one poison - alcohol"

jenP_97 says, "They're not exactly the same, but they're more similar than 1-3."

triner2001 says, "I noticed less US isms in this one"

magicalhp says, "Oh ok"

plinsenmayer says, "Melanie's kicking off Ginny discussions tomorrow"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I think they had less time to US-ise it"

jenP_97 says, "That's probably the real reason."

smitster1 says, "And proof it"

triner2001 says, "which I prefer"

plinsenmayer says, "I think they got the word that we all didn't want it Americanized"

? gypsycaine says, "did anyone else get a copy of PoA that was fading in and out about once a chapter?"

jenP_97 says, "I'd prefer to believe that they listened to us and stopped "dumbing down" for us."

selah_1977 says, "Great! Ginny Week! Now we'll get all the H/G discussion... uh-oh..."

triner2001 says, "the less americanizing the better"

p_dumbledore says, "Neil probably has a secret cabinet full of: Eye of Newt, tongue of lizard, and other potions !!"

? gypsycaine says, "thinks it was PoA."

jenP_97 says, "hahaha."

smitster1 says, "Americanized no, proofed would still be good. Perhaps future editions of Book 4 will be corrected"

selah_1977 says, "Narnia wasn't Americanized to my knowledge... why should HP?"

niamh_o_leary says, "I have an american copy of the first one and i hate when they use mom it totally cahnges the way i hear the charecters in my head"

flying_ford_anglia says, "I do... under lock and key. I will audition for Snape I think.."

triner2001 says, "I never had trouble understanding Narnia as a 6th grader"

p_dumbledore says, "ha!"

magicalhp says, "LOL!"

? gypsycaine says, "i read Narnia as 3rd...lol."

timjlittle enters

smitster1 says, "I wouldn't know which version I read. I think I got the gist of it."

plinsenmayer says, "Proofed would be good. I'll raise Skimmel's theory he told me yesterday -- he thinks it was written too fast & has too many inconsistencies or plot problems. Can't discuss though since Dee's friend has her book under lock & key"

magicalhp says, "I was hoping he had a private stash of interesting mixtures"

babynick34 enters

? gypsycaine says, "you should have heard her unwrapping the thing."

selah_1977 says, "AH!!! Penny, I'd love to disagree with Skimmel..."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I had a copy of the French PS from Doriane (swapped for GoF)"

p_dumbledore says, "How was dinner Nick ?"

? gypsycaine says, "wb nick."

niamh_o_leary says, "what did you have nick?"

? gypsycaine says, "she was going off on how thick it was on the phone."

plinsenmayer says, "Skimmel IM'd me from Moscow -- says he'll be back next week & you can disagree with him then."

triner2001 says, "wb, Nick"

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

? babynick34 says, "Hi... dinner is here with me right now... just got back from the Chinese."

? gypsycaine says, "i grinned, and said "734 pages thick, right?""

flying_ford_anglia says, "I guess they had to change some things for the French version..."

dee_97527 says, "sounds good"

jenP_97 says, "Fast trip, huh?"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Nick - I'm hungry now!"

selah_1977 says, "Chinese... yem..."

selah_1977 says, "yum I mean"

niamh_o_leary says, "ah nothing like good old home cooked food ay"

? babynick34 says, "Home cooking... no time for that, need time to chat."

jenP_97 says, "I think I'd better go make my daughter (and myself) lunch."

flying_ford_anglia says, "I prefer to use a wand for cooking"

jenP_97 says, "I'll be back in a little bit."

selah_1977 says, "LOL Nick! My sentiments exactly!"

triner2001 says, "me too Neil"

selah_1977 says, "take care Jen"

Your buddy hime_alyianna_kage is in chat and on pager

Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat

Your buddy nightfall06 is in games

Your buddy plinsenmayer is in chat and on pager

Your buddy babynick34 is in chat

flying_ford_anglia says, "but I'm not a wizard [minor detail]"

jenP_97 leaves

triner2001 says, "see ya Jen"

niamh_o_leary says, "see you soon jen"

? babynick34 says, "see ya Jen"

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

p_dumbledore says, "changed to French..?? One of my French friends said it was originally written in French !! :=)"

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

selah_1977 says, "I live at home still... Mom's cooking... and chatting online upstairs"

? gypsycaine says, "used to wish I was one."

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

triner2001 says, "sort of gets in the way, eh, Neil"

niamh_o_leary says, "i make my husband cook tea on sundays itss my afternoon off"

? babynick34 says, "What... HP wasn't written in french."

? gypsycaine says, "that's right."

? gypsycaine says, "your tea is our supper."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Written in french? No - but they have some of Hagrid's lines being spoken by Ron!"

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

selah_1977 says, "I've head the translations are bad."

Your buddy immortal_dragon_evernight is on pager

magicalhp says, "I've heard that too"

plinsenmayer says, "Can anyone make a plausible connection of each of the 4 houses to each of the 4 UK countries? I was wondering about that earlier today"

flying_ford_anglia says, "It looks okay, but I'm not French"

niamh_o_leary says, "yes i guess although we have supper too as a late meal"

vivace1320 leaves

vivace1320 enters

Your buddy immortal_dragon_evernight has gone off pager

? babynick34 says, "How strange...I wonder what would happen if it was just translated word for word, probably sound a bit odd."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Possibly - Gryffindor would be Wales"

niamh_o_leary says, "no plins sorry"

? babynick34 says, "No supper for me tonight, run out of Tony the Tiger"

niamh_o_leary says, "i agree with that one ford"

flying_ford_anglia says, "Ravenclaw - Scotland"

? gypsycaine says, "lol"

selah_1977 says, "What about Ravenclaw for Scotland?"

selah_1977 says, "oh, Neil beat me to it "

vivace1320 leaves

plinsenmayer says, "So far, these were my thoughts. Had a hard time with Hufflepuff."

flying_ford_anglia says, "Hufflepuff - England and (sorry Niamh) Slytherin - Ireland?"

niamh_o_leary says, "now you are stuck ford who too upset most england or ireland"

selah_1977 says, "Do you think Slytherin is Ireland?"

? babynick34 says, "Hufflepuff could be The South West?#"

plinsenmayer says, "Ireland has no snakes, right? So, can Slytherin be Ireland?"


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