[HPforGrownups] The foggy future

Denise gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 05:46:22 UTC 2000


Sorry...  I meant you for point #1!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: mlleelizabeth at aol.com 
  To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [HPforGrownups] The foggy future

       My Groups | HPforGrownups Main Page | Start a new group!  

  ***spooky music***
  Madame Liz predicts that Denise is slightly tipsy from birthday wine!

  Happy Birthday!

  In a message dated 8/29/2000 10:57:24 PM CST, gypsycaine at yahoo.com writes:

  >it's not the time, but the knowledge that makes me call myself novice!) and 
  your theories make perfect sense.>>

  same here - I've got *lots* to learn!

  << 1.  She's doing it right!  The first thing I was taught was to never 
  never be negative, even if the tower turns up.  The cards are a warning, but 
  not a death-sentence.  Nothing is in stone.>>

  Who's doing it right? Trelawney?  Goddess, I hope not!  Eeek!  I always, 
  always, always find an opportunity for growth in readings.  Why the heck else 
  bother with them!   I like the Tower - to me it means clearing away false 
  beliefs/foundations and gives an opportunity for a nice, clean, start.

  <<2.  I think that those little predictions are like a type of "deja vu" 
  type thing I do on occasion.  A friend dials up, tells me she lost her 
  cigarettes, and I ask if she looked in the right side of her favorite chair.  
  She finds them there.  I don't know if it was a lucky guess or I was on-beam 
  with that.  I do things like this often enough, tho.  I was there when my 
  ex-sister-in-law met a man, and I turned to Barry and said, he is the one, 
  knowing nothing about him.  They will be married this October, after 5 years 
  relationship.  I call those type KNOWing.  Perhaps Mdm T is the same way 
  (teacup, etc...).>>

  *Knowing* is a great way to put it!  And a lot of that knowing is actually 
  just being observant.  You know where the ciggies are most likely to have 
  fallen.  Madame T knows Neville is a clutz.  I "know" where my friend's car 
  title is cause I know where she stuffs important papers.  I don't know this 
  overtly, and you probably don't either, but you can tap into your 
  subconscious and deduce where someone put whatever.  By the same token your 
  subconscious told you ex-sis-in-law met her "one."

  Not that I don't believe in divine help, or the supernatural.  I've got the 
  spirit of a 15th Century Englishman hanging out in my home....

  << I just can't stand her methods....  Harry should die at least once daily, 
  if she 's right!>>

  Yep.. thank goodness she's not right!

  The readers JKR encountered before writing these books must have been the 
  awful, commercial, rip-off-the-believers type!  I'm glad she was smart enough 
  to blow them off!

  << Sighs.

  Wondering if this post makes sense, or she has had too much elderberry wine 
  to celebrate her birthday? >>
  Again, Happy B-day Dee.  What does elderberry wine taste like? your sun's in 
  virgo?  where's your moon and ascendant???

  Love & Light,

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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