[HPforGrownups] Re: Indonesia [was sucking them in...]

Endah W endahwidiastuti at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 11 03:24:43 UTC 2000



I have an opinion, this e-Group is the best place to discuss all about HP.
Very interesting.. =)
The HP books (SS and CoS) are available in Bahasa Indonesia, but PoA isn't.
We haven't recieved the 4th and the 5th books yet...maybe the distribution
is late..  >=(

best regards,

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jim Flanagan [mailto:jamesf at alumni.caltech.edu]
  Sent: 08 Desember 2000 9:22
  To: HPforGrownups at egroups.com
  Subject: [HPforGrownups] Re: Indonesia [was sucking them in...]

  Welcome, endah -- I hope that you enjoy this e-Group.  We have some
  very good discussions here that I hope you find interesting.

  I have a question about the HP books in Indonesia -- are they
  available in Bahasa Indonesia or only in English?  This group has a
  very good collection of international book covers, and have recently
  added Indonesia, but I am not sure which language the books are
  written in.

  -Jim Flanagan

  > Hi, my name is Endah from Indonesia.
  > I'm a student in senior high school.. I like HP very much..
  > after I read HP i just can't hardly wait the next...the next... the
  next new
  > HP book...
  > at least HP is the new HERO in my class. (sometimes WE read it in
  > classroom).. hehehe..
  > My teacher *must* read HP..!!
  > endah

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