[HPforGrownups] Re: British HP Novels

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 11 12:51:40 UTC 2000


--- nlpnt at yahoo.com wrote:
> > hedwigthecat at a... wrote:
> > 
> > > Does anyone have any good sites on the web that
> would be 
> relatively
> > > inexpensive to purchase the British versions of
> the HP novels? I'm
> > > curious to see how differently they read.
> Where do you live? If you're pretty far north, the
> Canadian editions 
> are pretty much identical to the UK ones, except for
> copyright-page 
> stuff and "Printed in Canada" on the back cover; I
> got my paperback 
> PS at a bricknmortar bookstore south of Montreal.
>  I can't go up there to send them to people, though,
> b/c the holidays 
> are Way Too Busy and my car needs repair.  ~:(
If you're interested in buying the Canadian versions,
try Chapters.ca. If they don't ship outside Canada,
let me know. I would be willing to pick you up copies
and pop them in the mail. Until Dec 22 I will be
working right beside a Chapters store. Should you you
wish to wait until after the holidays, well, I still
live fairly close to a Chapters store and will be
passing by everyday on my way home from my new job in


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