[HPforGrownups] Biography of the Year - OT

Snuffles MacGoo msmacgoo at one.net.au
Wed Dec 13 08:57:17 UTC 2000


Anake wrote

"9) Cathy Freeman (first Aboriginal medalist in history by winning the 
event in the Sydney Olympics)"

Hi everyone - Cathy (fabulous thou she is) was not the first indigenous person 
to get a gold medal. I don't know who was but at the Atlanta games Nova 
Pervis-Kneebone got on as part of the hockey team. This games Jai what's name 
(track and field) also got one and and and (revealing my lack of knowledge of 
sporting history err. I think their were others - Lionel Rose (boxing) in the 

Cathy is pretty amazing thou (and married to a Yank - not that that would raise 
her profile <g>)

-----Original Message-----
From:	Anake [SMTP:neptune_1984 at yahoo.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, December 13, 2000 1:20 AM
To:	HPforGrownups at egroups.com
Subject:	[HPforGrownups] Biography of the Year

In the US, the A&E channel's show, Biography, named JK Rowling as number 6 for
Biography of 2000. Here is the complete list (I could be wrong, though, with 
of the numbers because Biography.com hasn't put up their list yet--it aired 
night, if anyone knows the correct order, if I do have it wrong, PLEASE be 
and correct me):

10) Charles Schultz

8) Richard Hatch (Survivor winner)
7) Elian Gonzalez
6) J.K. Rowling
5) Michael J. Fox
4) Tiger Woods
3) Hillary Clinton
2) George W. Bush and Al Gore
1) Francis Collins and Craig Venter (who completed the Human Geome Project)


ICQ: 37150285 | Voicemail: 1-800-MY-YAHOO (333-702-1984) | AOL IM: Anake33
"Look at them all, through the darkness I'm bringing. They're not sad at all. 
 They're actually singing! They sing without juicers. They sing without 
blenders. They sing without flunjers, capdabblers and smendlers!"--Mr. Burns 
(ala The Grinch), THE SIMPSONS

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