Latin / Welsh, toad awards, Beacham book, poster and then something OT on rain and travel (i.e. a bit of a rant)

Simon simon.branford at
Thu Dec 14 16:07:48 UTC 2000


Scott wrote: "On the subject of Latin which I vaguely recall Simon as dubing
"Silly" (Shame!), I just got back from my Latin Club Christmas party.
The language which I would most like to learn is Welsh.  I'm not really sure
why, as I can't find a solid and practical reason for it but I still want to
learn it."

I do think Latin is silly, but if I ever get round to studying a language
properly then it is high up on the list of possibilities. I mean I study
some aspects of pure mathematics that are so far removed from 'real life'
that I think Latin would be about as useful for me to learn as some of the
work I have done this past term!
Why bother studying Welsh when you can go the full distance and study
Medieval Welsh instead? A friend of mine studied this as part of his English
degree - though he is scarily clever and easily got a first!

Aylihael wrote: "I'm still hoping some kindly person will e-mail or post how
to vote, and when the deadline is, as that page doesn't tell, and apparently
the link to vote is broken."

Well according to their website nominations close on December 8th - I think
we can discount that!
To vote go to the link posted a couple of days ago
( This page lists the
nominations. At the bottom there is a button labelled: "Take the Poll. Click
Here" which changes to "Cast Your Vote". Click on that and up comes a page
with the nominations in each category and a little selection box by each. At
the bottom of the page there is a "Submit your Vote" button. Once you have
made your selections, you do not have to vote in all categories, click on
this and you are finished.
Hope that helps - The site was working fine a few minutes ago.

Penny wrote: "I would imagine it might be littered with sarcastic remarks &
corrections in the margins by this point!"

Are we talking about the Beacham book here or my lecture notes?

Joywitch wrote: "What is happening with the circulation of the bad Beachem
book?  I signed up many months ago for the crit list.  Can I have it after
Steve, or are others still waiting for it too?"

I was similarly intrigued to hear of the books progress. Is it possible to
be given an indication of running order as some of us signed up and are
interested to know if it will make it this far - will make an effort to go
to a bookstore and read it if not heading my way at some stage in the future
(I have got very interested to see exactly how bad this book actually is).

Susan wrote: "Having said that, the poster is incredible. I love it.
Let me do my three year old son imitation...
I want it. I want that poster. Actually, Mommy, I would like that poster,
plese. Could I have it now?"

And in the best parent like voice I can manage: "I want doesn't get."
The poster does look cool - wonder where we have to go to get a copy?

Tessie wrote: "THANKS!!!!!!!
Simon, you are the BEST!!!"

And to quote the great Albus Dumbledore in my reply: "It's lucky it's dark.
I haven't blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she liked my new

Steve wrote: "Gee, I guess I don't have to do my own shameless
self-promotion. I should have read a few more messages before I responded.
Sorry for cluttering up the list on this fine, snowy Thursday morning."

I was pretty sure I knew the name correctly, but decided, that as I had all
these resources at my fingertips, that I should make use of them.
Snow - lucky you. It keeps raining here! Has anyone got a helicopter they
can lend me - I am going home tomorrow and I keep hearing of more problems
on all of my possible routes. I am going to be stuck soon - in a building
that will flood if the river rises a foot, which is how much it has risen in
the last 4 days.

Simon (who has realised that what was at one stage a short message has
suddenly ended up being pages long)

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