[HPforGrownups] Re: Essays

Peg Kerr pkerr06 at attglobal.net
Sat Dec 16 07:47:41 UTC 2000


Brian Dorband wrote:

> --- In HPforGrownups at egroups.com, "Dinah" <betty_belladonna at f...>
> wrote:
> > Hey Christine, Stephanie and all others who may have hidden
> treasures about
> > HP!!!
> >
> > I'm currently collecting all kinds of Essays on HP to show them to
> my
> > English teacher to proof what one can do with the subject, because I
> want to
> > write my final study (no idea how that's called in English, sorry
> <g>) about
> > the books and I'm afraid she will say that it's too childish. So if
> anyone
> > who has sweated over some kind of article and is willing to share
> his
> > insights with me (and my teacher) would send it to my addy I'd be
> forever
> > greatful!
> >
> > Dinah
> Dinah,
> You may want to search through our list here for Peg Kerr's "7 Deadly
> Sins" essays - they are terrific, as everyone here will attest.  You
> may want to ask Peg about actually *using* them for anything, as she
> *is* the author.  They are the most vivid example of the type of essay
> that you seek.
> As an aside to Peg - I hope you don't mind this suggestion; I'm sure
> that your own humility would preclude you from suggesting your *own*
> writings as such exquisite examples, so forgive me if I've gone too
> far.
> Brian

Thanks, Brian.  Dinah (and other new members), if you would like to review
the essays I've written about the 7 Deadly Sins and the 7 Heavenly Virtues
so far, following are the message numbers:

7 Deadly Sins:
Pride: 1553
Envy: 1699
Gluttony: 1878
Lust: 2118
Anger: 2545
Covetousness: 2877
Sloth: 2998

7 Heavenly Virtues:
Faith: 3468
Hope: 3660
Charity: 4371
Fortitude: 4797
Justice: 5892

Related essays, possibly also of interest:

Loyalty: 788
Secrets: 957
Courtesy and Ambition: 1209

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