Satanic Verses???
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
pennylin at
Mon Dec 18 22:22:22 UTC 2000
> ----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
> Från: Sara Ludwig
> Till: HPforGrownups at
> Skickat: den 18 december 2000 21:03
> Ämne: SV: [HPforGrownups] Various
> That reminds me of The Satanic Verses.
> catrina
Catrina -- could you please tell me what it was specifically in my email
(below) that reminds you of the Satanic Verses??!
For the newbies, just a reminder -- please try to hit reply & keep the
bit that you are responding to above or below your own comments (or
highlighted in some manner) so that everyone knows what you're referring
to. And, while I'm harping on admin stuff -- don't forget about those
subject lines! Try to make them specific -- I did use the topic
"Various" this morning, only because I was responding to a number of
topics, none of which were all that significant.
Thanks --
> ----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
> Från: Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
> Till: HPforGrownups
> Skickat: den 18 december 2000 17:20
> Ämne: [HPforGrownups] Various
> Hi --
> EBONY'S FANFIC -- I just had to add my 2 galleons and recommend
> that
> everyone read Ebony's first installment of her fanfic -- it's
> really
> great! :--)
> MUM, NOT MOM -- Stephanie, I was looking at my American edition of
> SS
> when I said the US editions used Mom rather than Mum. You're
> right that
> they must have changed it to Mum by the time they got to CoS &
> later
> books. I'm seeing less & less Americanization with each passing
> book.
> I'm still not sure if I believe this because they just had less
> time to
> Americanize with GoF or if they actually are heeding the words of
> the
> fans, who would prefer that the Britishisms not be tampered with.
> HOLIDAY TRADITIONS -- Ebony, I think "soul food" must be just
> Southern
> cooking in alot of ways, as your soul food menu might easily be
> served
> by my very southern Granny but she'd look at you like you were
> crazy if
> you suggested it was "soul food." <g> My family has also eaten
> blackeyed peas & cornbread on New Year's Day for decades -- again,
> it
> must be a tradition that has expanded to be very Southern in
> general.
> My PA Dutch in-laws (German!) think you're bringing yourself tons
> of bad
> luck for the coming year if you don't eat sauerkraut on New
> Year's, and
> they are loathe to try any blackeyed peas (which is apparently
> only fit
> for livestock up North). So .... they eat their sauerkraut, I eat
> blackeyed peas & my husband has a bit of both.
> BOOK BANNING -- Stephanie, I live in Houston so we're neighbors!
> You
> might not be aware that the Santa Fe school district also had a
> recent
> HP brouhaha (Santa Fe is in Galveston County). It was resolved (I
> think) by allowing children to borrow the HP books from the
> library with
> a parental permission form and they can bring their own copies
> from
> home. The teachers, however, cannot read the books to the
> classes.
> It's so insane really. My sister teaches in a suburb of Austin,
> and she
> read SS & CoS to her 3rd graders last spring with no complaints
> whatsoever. I guess it just depends on the general demographics
> of each
> school district. The Santa Fe school district, shortly after
> their HP
> issues, attempted to ban any books that contained even a single
> profane
> word (so that they would have ended up banning classics such as
> Where
> the Red Fern Grows & Call of the Wild). This was defeated by only
> one
> vote (4-3).
> I suspect strongly that 90% of the people who favor banning the HP
> books
> have *not* read the books. They are simply going on hearsay ...
> preconceived notions, etc.
> > Sorry about that it is the third book and the person is Ginny,
> Mea Culpa.
> > It is Ginny who is rescued and is holding tightly to Harry.
> > Don and Penguinie Embarrassed Penguin
> >
> The bookcover of PoA (3rd book) in the US depicts Harry & Hermione
> on
> Buckbeak, the hippogriff.
> BEACHAM BOOK -- Heidi, I assume you are coordinating the recent
> requests
> to be added to the list (Steve, Trina, etc.)?
> Penny (catching up!)
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