[HPforGrownups] Re: Marty's Devil's Advocate Post

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Fri Dec 22 16:21:22 UTC 2000


Hi --

Flying Ford Anglia wrote:

> **Could we assume that Hermione dated Krum to try to win Harry's
> attention? Was she trying to goad a reaction from him (or, let's be
> fair, from Ron)?

I think she dated Krum because he paid romantic attention to her.  She
had gotten to know him in the library after all, and discovered that he
didn't enjoy having the gaggle of girls fawning all over him.  She got
to know him as a person and liked what she saw well enough to accept a
date with him.  I don't think she did it to goad either boy into
anything.  I think she just wanted to be noticed as a girl, and Krum
noticed her in that way.  And, she got to go to the Yule Ball.  Pretty
evident that neither Ron nor Harry would have thought to ask her, except
as a last resort.  So, she was probably smart to go with Krum.  It was
her first real date, and she must have enjoyed the whole ritual of
getting all dressed up as she took 3 hrs to do so!  <g>

> **Is it me, or was Harry not overly bothered that Hermione was
> Krum's 'thing he'd miss most' after such a brief dalliance with her?
> If that were me, in a parallel situation, I'd be brimming with
> jealousy.  I suppose we should wonder whether Harry is not bothered
> at all about Hermione or just encased in a teenaged ignorance of
> romance (we are talking about 14 year olds, let's not forget).

I think Harry & Ron are both a bit ignorant in the romance department so
far.  Harry is probably more disadvantaged in social skills because of
his background.

> **What would have happened if Harry and Krum had both 'chosen'
> Hermione as their treasure?  Could that, in fact have happened, but
> Harry was the one who was allocated his second choice - Ron?

Possible.  Maybe if they allocated "treasures" alphabetically, they got
to Krum before Potter & Krum's choice (decided by ... a poll of teachers
or students??) was Hermione.  So, given that Hermione's already taken,
it was a clear call that Ron would be Harry's thing.  There wasn't a
need for the teachers or students (or magic) to divine whether Harry
would favor one of his best friends over the other.  I most definitely
will never buy the argument that Harry would favor Ron over Hermione.
They bring different strengths to their relationship with him.

> **How did the Tournament organisers know 'the thing you'd miss most'
> in each case?  IIRC, the contestants weren't asked about this.  Did
> the judges read their minds or did they ask the other students and
> teachers for their views?  If the latter is the case for Harry, I
> think Ron may well have been chosen over Hermione in a poll of the
> Hogwarts' contingent.

See above.

> **On balance, would Harry have decided he'd miss Cho(an unrequited
> crush) more than Ron or Hermione, if Cedric hadn't chosen Cho? In
> other words, could Ron have been Harry's third choice?

I agree with Naama that Cho is just fantasy, while Hermione & Ron are
real proven friends.

> **Could Harry (somehow) have named Ron, because he thought Ron needed
> a public affirmation of his friendship to boost his self esteem,
> whereas Hermione did not?

I think Harry may not be too aware of Ron's insecurities.  He didn't
know much about Ron's motivations in their fight in GoF without Hermione
telling him.  But, if asked, he might well acknowledge that Hermione is
far more secure than Ron.

> **Final note: 'The thing you'd miss most' does not necessarily
> equal 'The person you'd most want to be your lover in a few years'
> time'. This was just a plot device, I think.  I would, therefore, not
> read slash into the fact that Ron was chosen for Harry.

I agree that this was definitely a plot device to get all of the Trio &
Cho down to the bottom of the lake.

> PS - Your subtle reference (in an earlier post) to the expectations
> of the FAQ committee is duly noted!

Hey, I'm just as behind as anyone with all the Christmas stuff going on
(and ASA!).  No pressure intended!


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