[HPforGrownups] Re: Leilani Newbie Post
Greg and Kelly
gkallen2 at home.com
Fri Dec 22 21:32:46 UTC 2000
> > 4. Ron will marry Hermione and Harry will marry Ginny Weasley.
> No! Like Neil, I'll just leave it at that .... I'm a devout H/H
> shipper. Ginny is a background character, and Ron/Herm are ill-suited.
I tend to be a H/G shipper myself - if only because I just love the whole
Weasley family, and want Harry to be a real part of it, since he has never
had any family of his own. . . .
----- Original Message -----
From: "Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer" <pennylin at swbell.net>
To: <HPforGrownups at egroups.com>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 6:26 AM
Subject: [HPforGrownups] Re: Leilani Newbie Post
> Hi --
> Leilani Webb wrote:
> > I joined the group a few days ago and have nearly gone blind perusing
> > the archives.
> We are working on putting together substantive FAQs on about 60
> different topics -- we are still hoping to upload most of them in
> January, although there will be gaps where the FAQs Committee is still
> working on things. A sampling of topics: Wizarding World Govenment,
> Hagrid, Religion & HP, Book Banning & Controversies, Mysteries &
> Inconsistencies, Wands, Spells, Voldemort as well as the obvious Harry,
> Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, etc. This will make it much easier for new
> members to see what we've discussed before without consulting our 15000
> messages in the archives.
> > 1. Harry does not receive the accolades he deserves for the
> > amazing feats he has performed. After all, he has overcome evil
> > personified and preserved the very existence of wizards and muggles
> > alike, several times now. He should at least get his own room at
> > Hogwarts.
> I'll second Neil's thoughts on this one. Harry would never want to be
> singled out in that way. He abhors his fame and wants more than
> anything else in the world to be just "another student, another kid"
> leading a normal life.
> > 2. The Dursleys are child abusers. You would think someone in
> > the neighborhood or a teacher would have recognized that and turned
> > them in before Harry was old enough to go to Hogwarts.
> Again, Neil's thoughts are good. I can point you to posts around the
> last week of September & first week of October, where this topic was
> discussed in-depth.
> > 3. I think Dumbledore will turn out to be Harry's Grandfather.
> Implausible. JKR has said this sort of thing sounds too Star Wars-ish
> for her. And, Lily's surname was Evans, and of course, James' surname
> was Potter. And, yes, he's too old.
> > 4. Ron will marry Hermione and Harry will marry Ginny Weasley.
> No! Like Neil, I'll just leave it at that .... I'm a devout H/H
> shipper. Ginny is a background character, and Ron/Herm are ill-suited.
> Welcome!
> Penny
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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