[HPforGrownups] R/H vs.H/H-Theory (wasFanfic Ships)

morine10 at aol.com morine10 at aol.com
Sun Dec 24 06:20:09 UTC 2000


In a message dated 12/23/00 12:14:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
pennylin at swbell.net writes:

> I still agree with you in that my general observation is that older HP fans 
> tend to favor H/H more often than R/H.  

Interesting.  Until I joined this group I always believed the younger fans 
leaned toward an H/H romance. Was I ever wrong!  This belief was based on 
other message boards and the lack of evidence presented by these young H/H 
shippers.  I always thought that they weren't seeing JKR's true intentions as 
an adult would and that in their naivety, these youths were making the 
obvious mistake of pairing Harry - the title character with Hermione - the 
one strong female presented so far.  IMO they were doing so without regard to 
any of the clues left by the author.  From my view, they weren't picking up 
the feelings JKR was conveying.  Obviously I was wrong in assuming anything.  
While I am not (and doubt I will ever be) convinced, the pro H/H arguments 
fascinate me.  Personally, I felt from the time I read SS/PS that JKR would 
develop a romance between the Ron and Hermione.  With each subsequent book 
and with each rereading I have only become more convinced that is the course 
she will take.  Also, until I joined this group (which is the same time I 
began reading fanfic - starting with PoU) I wasn't any sort of shipper.  That 
is not to say that I didn't like the idea of an R/H pairing, but only that 
the possibility of an H/H pairing never, ever occurred to me.  I love the H/H 
arguments you've all presented, but I really have to go with my gut on this 
one.  When I read the books I don't feel H/H whereas R/H I *feel*.    

As for my theory....
I could be totally off-base but from what I've observed since joining this 
group it seems those that are H/H-ers are much more vocal (about everything, 
not just their ship preference).  This to me is a Hermione trait.  She 
participates at every opportunity and she always has an answer or comment.  
Whereas, the R/H-ers seem to remain quiet until something really strikes them 
(and then you can't get them to shut up <g>).  This is more Ron's style.  

I feel that I relate more to the character of Ron than Hermione.  While I do 
love her, aside from doing well in school I am nothing like Hermione. I have 
much more in common with the wisecracking, laid-back, slightly insecure, 
adorable <vbg>, Ron.  

Do the other (what are we up to, three or four?) R/H-ers feel they relate 
more to Ron?  Do the H/H-ers relate to Hermione?  

Just wondering,

"Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and 
the Goblet of Fire

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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