R/H vs.H/H-Theory (wasFanfic Ships)

zsenya at yahoo.com zsenya at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 24 16:19:04 UTC 2000


I suppose I will delurk any time Ron's name comes up in 

> When I read the books I don't feel H/H whereas R/H I *feel*.  

Me too!
> As for my theory....
> I could be totally off-base but from what I've observed since 
joining this 
> group it seems those that are H/H-ers are much more vocal (about 
> not just their ship preference).  This to me is a Hermione trait.  
> participates at every opportunity and she always has an answer or 
> Whereas, the R/H-ers seem to remain quiet until something really 
strikes them 
> (and then you can't get them to shut up <g>).  This is more Ron's 

I guess that is why I have to delurk every time Ron's name is taken in 

> I feel that I relate more to the character of Ron than Hermione.  
While I do 
> love her, aside from doing well in school I am nothing like 
Hermione. I have 
> much more in common with the wisecracking, laid-back, slightly 
> adorable <vbg>, Ron.  
> Do the other (what are we up to, three or four?) R/H-ers feel they 
> more to Ron?  Do the H/H-ers relate to Hermione?  
> Just wondering,
> -Mo
Mo - I certainly relate to Hermione a bit - I was very smart as a girl 
and loved to read.  However, I do feel that I am actually more like 
Ron, so maybe your theory is correct.  I didn't have the utmost 
respect for teachers in school the way that Hermione does.   I was 
very laid back and a bit insecure.   I wasn't a blatant rule breaker, 
but I didn't mind doing it either.  Also, I always seemed to have 
friends who were either more well known, more popular, more successful 
with the boys, etc. I was the sidekick - not as glamorous, or as 
troubled, or as punk rock, or as pretty as most of my friends.  As a 
matter of fact, if I run into people from high school now, eventually 
they will ask, "how is so and so" because they always seem to 
associate me with someone else.  Sometimes I would get jealous, as Ron 
does, but I suppose that one of the reasons that I am so convinced 
that Ron will be a true friend is that those disagreements and spats 
never lasted very long and I still have those friends, 10 years after 
high school.  I have never felt jealousy so strongly as I did in high 
school, but now that I am grown up, I can look back on it with a bit 
of humor (and maybe smugness that in the long run I am glad that I 
didn't have the things that I was jealous for most of the time).


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