[HPforGrownups] Re: R/H vs.H/H-Theory (wasFanfic Ships)

morine10 at aol.com morine10 at aol.com
Sun Dec 24 18:25:45 UTC 2000


> When I read the books I don't feel H/H whereas R/H I *feel*.  

Me too!

Zsenya, I'm so glad someone agrees with me on this point.  There has been a 
lot of talk of who are the *logical* matches.  Why does love have to be 
logical?  And Hermione and Ron closely parallel Molly and Arthur and the love 
there is unquestionable.   There is in my mind, chemistry between Ron and 

> Mo - I certainly relate to Hermione a bit - I was very smart as a girl 
> and loved to read.  

I am always reading and always did (do) very well in school.  However, I am 
not one to do a bit of *background* reading for school the way Hermione does. 
 I'm not one for boring textbooks and as a matter of fact, I don't think I've 
done anything more than skim over the important parts since my elementary 
days.  I will always put aside the work for a bit of pleasure reading.  Last 
year I left several papers for my graduate classes to the last minute because 
I had just discovered HP and HAD to read each of the first 3 books 
immediately.  Did I mention I recieved an Order of the Procrastinator, first 

> I was very laid back and a bit insecure.   I wasn't a blatant rule breaker, 
> but I didn't mind doing it either.  

I am still laid back -  way laid back according to those that know me best.  
I think that most people are insecure during their teenage years.   All three 
of them (H/H/R) are very insecure in very different, but not so different 
ways.  As for breaking the rules?  Me? LOL.  Never the insigator, laid-back 
Mo had friends that made the plans, they just told her when to show up -still 
> Sometimes I would get jealous, as Ron does, but I suppose that one of the 
> reasons that I am so convinced that Ron will be a true friend is that those 
> disagreements and spats never lasted very long and I still have those 
> friends, 10 years after high school. 

Athough I don't think I was ever so jealous as Ron, I'm know I had some pangs 
back in my school days.  I see, no I know Ron's going to outgrow this.  He 
just has to find his place.  I still have my close friends from school after 
(I'm gonna one-up ya) 11 years.  The biggest fight I had with any of them was 
in college when I lived with some of my girlfriends.  We got over it. I think 
when you live with someone and see them all the time, lets face it they can 
annoy you and tempers can flare.  And sometimes you need some space.  
Fighting accomplishes that because it gives you an excuse not to talk to that 
person.  Ron and Harry live, eat, take classes together and sleep in the same 
room.  When are they ever apart except during Quidditch practice?  They 
needed some time apart IMO.  Husbands and wives don't spend that much time 


"Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and 
the Goblet of Fire

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