What's next?? (+ OT Shakespeare)

Maya Crabtree mayacrab at netvision.net.il
Wed Dec 27 21:13:39 UTC 2000


>Some have mentioned their like of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About
>Nothing" (which is not one of my favorites--I prefer the tragedies)

Well, I love them all, (At least all the ones I've read). And for me, I
guess it depends on my mood. There was a time when I could just read Romeo
and Juliet over and over and over again, and with my best friend we used to
roll-play the reading on Macbeth, when we were at highschool, but when I was
last in England I watched "As you like it" performed by the RSC, and got
right back into the mood for the comedies (Sorry for being so tremeandously
Off-Topic...  -

>while chatting about their R/H leanings.  I'll use a line from Julius
>Caesar that I think fits in this case:  "Yet Brutus says he was
>ambitious/And Brutus is an honorable man."

that makes me smile. My mother, in every possible remotely fitting
situation, quotes that very line, reminding us agian and again that in the
days SHE was at school, they had to learnt hat WHOLE speech by heart... ;-)
As I had to elarn many hyms from the bible by heart, I was not remotely
impressed at the time (because in a way, as far as language complexities are
concerned - Shakespeare is to young english speaking school kids what the
bible's ancient language is to young herbrew-speaking school kids...)

I've finished being Off-topic now.).;-)

>Also consider the fact that shape-shifting is a possibility in this
>magical world.  Someone else could shape-shift (via Polyjuice Potion,
>etc.) into Ron or Hermione and do a lot of damage.  If we follow the
>argument I've seen thrown about here that Harry is much closer to
>Ron than Hermione, the logical choice would be Ron.

You know, that would be a good idea, an almost obvious idea , the polyjuice
potion. I know you were just using that as an example to make your point,
but it brings me to another point - after reding book 2 (all night, without
stopping , even though I ahd a very important day ahead, I just couldn't
stop - like many othes of you, I would guess) - after thinking the
bookthrough, the next thought that came to me was  - "so what's next?" Not
in the sense that "Oh, this is such a thrilling end that leaves everything
open " ( coz we know that's not true, of all the 4 books it's probably the
least OPEN ending ) but in the sense that - JKR has made up so many things -
what can she ever make up next which will also be interesting as the last
two books and also complete new and original?? and she DID, she made it up.
However, during book 4 I felt that the originality had gone down . there
were less new things, probably I felt this way just because for the first
time since books 1, Voldemort had really returned, and in books 2&3 he
didn't. Even in the maze at the end, most of the creatures he'd met were
creatures we already heard of or met in books 1-3. (but I suppose that
you've all discussed book 4 over and over and over again, if you liked it
more or less than theother books , if you felt that lack of the quiddich or
not... ;-) ) . The thing is - I took book 4 from a friend who gets the books
first before everyone - before I can get hold of them) and so she read it
before me. and she only told me about the ending that it was "even more
intricate and sophisticateed than the ending of PoA" . So I had really
expedted something new and ecxuiting, - and the polyjuice potion WAS very
sophisticated and the ending WAS surprising, but somehting in a way
disappointed me , I though "ah, Polyjuoce potion, well, we've had that
already."  So that idea of someone impersonating Ron is excellent, .. except
that it's been done, and BY ron and Harry, to Malfoy. My point is - what
could she invent now? I just can't think. I know she WILL, but I have this
feeling that my feelings while reading the end of book 4 were right. Maybe
she's just invented SO many things in this new world that inventing more
little details, spells, , charms etc, will be difficult - because then yóu'd
think -   " hold on! if there really IS a spell like that - why didn't
Dumbldore perform it in situation X in book Y? " .
I think Ive made a pretty pointless point , but if anyone has any ideas
about this.... :-)


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