H/H H/R or whatever combination...
Maya Crabtree
mayacrab at netvision.net.il
Wed Dec 27 22:45:30 UTC 2000
Okay, now I about this one I KNOW you've discussed it over and over again,
howeverm since I;m new, I;ll please innocence and comment to the following:
>> >at the Burrow for wonderful family holidays. It's just so perfect!
>> >To me it's like the pieces of a puzzle fitting together - sure, you
>> >can force pieces into other places, but the picture doesn't end up
>> >nearly as pretty.
Okay, the thing is, only in book 3 I really strated thinking serious which
combination I'd prefer. On one hand, I sympathize more with Hermione and
Ron. On other hand, although Ginny;s ok, I don't want Harry to get anyone
who isn't perfect. Okay, Hermione is not perfect, but she'd fit Ron, we all
see WHY, even those who think she should be with Harry. maybe she should, I
mean, thye are both more sophisticated in the way they plan things , and
Ron's hardly ever takes part in the planning stage. which is a pitty btw,
coz I think he's capable of doing this just as well. back to my original
point. In the perfect world - I'd have the 3 together. This brings me to the
conclusion that what's most important for me in these heros'future, is not
that any of them fall inlove with eachother, but rather that they remain the
good fridnds and team that they are, very much like Harry's Dad & Co. THAT
didn't disturb James marrying Lily, who wasn't one of the 4, but was
apparantly in the general big "Good guys" group. the best for me would be
that in their 20s they stay together, (whatever they do) and when they DO
marry, still work together in something very important, maybe secret. as
much as I like the idea of Ron and Hermione being together, I''d hate to see
Harry "outside" as it were. After all, (and Ia m now speaking to all Ron &
Hermione fans) - we still read the books a lot because of Harry. He needs
his friends , I think more than they need him.
Does anyone else think that they should all marry seperate people?
Hope I;m not TOOOO repetative....
>Subject: Tidbits of Snapeness, and Peter's strength
><Is it possible that Snape was involved with the attack
>upon Neville's parents during his "spying" days, which
>imprinted on Neville's brain (perhaps he was there
>during the attack when he was only 2 years old, or the
>like), and that has pre-disposed Neville against
>Snape, whether he realizes that's why he acts like a
>git in the class or not (melting cauldrons, etc...)...>
>Dumbledore said at Karkaroff's trial (I forget the chapter number - 'The
>Pensieve') that Snape had become a spy *before* Voldemort fell. The
>were attacked afterwards, because Crouch Jr. and Co. were trying to find
>where Voldemort, who had already fallen, was currently located.
><Oh i had a point/ Everyone makes Snape out to be in Voldies inner circle
>turned spy. How do we know that he wasn't a spy for dumbledore to begin
>with? Remember, Dumbledore knows stuff that the Ministry didn't know. And
>someone said that even all of Voldies followers didn't even know who each
>other were. Therefore, i conclude that it is entirely possible for snape
>not to be a bad guy at all.>
>Again, at Karkaroff's trial, Dumbledore said that Snape had been a Death
>before turning back to the good guys.
><Peg wrote:
>"You know, many fan fic writers act as if Peter was merely a
>tag-a-long, not as good at magic as James, Sirius and Lupin,
>not "really" one of the four, almost sort of resented. I think this
>diminishes the fact of his betrayal. It seems to be a sort of
>squeamishness/reluctance to claim Peter as "one of us"--because it's
>too scarey to imagine that someone you have totally accepted and
>considered one of your team could have betrayed you."
>Ebony said:
>Interesting observation. Over the holiday I thought about the
>significance of Peter's name. The Biblical Peter wasn't on
>the fringes of things; he was a leader amongst the Twelve... and yet
>he betrayed Christ. This is also why Ron is not immune to fulfilling
>this role in his generation... because he *is* trusted.>
>Quite apart from the Ron-the-traitor debate, Peter is portrayed as a
>for two reasons apart from squeamishness:
>1. McGonagall says in the Hogsmeade conversation that Peter wasn't in the
>league as Potter and Black, talent-wise', and that she was 'often quite
>with him' for that reason. If you'll notice, she's also quite harsh with
>Neville, who doesn't exactly have a lot of aptitude in Transfig (or much of
>anything else, for that matter, although my theory is that it's more a
>coming from fear of what happened to his more-than-competent-parents or
>lack of self-esteem than a lack of talent...but I digress), which sort of
>people think of Peter as a less likable version of Neville, coupled with
>2. Lupin states that Peter needed all the help he could get from James and
>Sirius to become an Animagus.
>This isn't to say that he's as useless as a lot of people seem to think he
>just not very brilliant, either. And I don't think he was on the fringes at
>- I doubt Sirius, James, and Lupin are really the elitist-genius type, and
>there's no real reason for them to have excluded him.
>Kassie Ostrander wrote:
>> Hello, i hope everyone is having happy holidays and is keeping up with HP
>> news.... Has anyone tried the Everyflavor Betts Beans? I can't find them
>> here in Michigan.
>> Oh i had a point/ Everyone makes Snape out to be in Voldies inner circle
>> turned spy. How do we know that he wasn't a spy for dumbledore to begin
>> with? Remember, Dumbledore knows stuff that the Ministry didn't know.
>> someone said that even all of Voldies followers didn't even know who each
>> other were. Therefore, i conclude that it is entirely possible for snape
>> not to be a bad guy at all.
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>Message: 24
> Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 19:45:58 -0000
> From: "Keith Fraser" <keith.fraser at st-annes.ox.ac.uk>
>Subject: Hello from a new member
>Hi! I'm Keith (some of you might know me from the Paradigm of
>Uncertainty and HP FanFiction eGroups as the author of Ginny The
>Vampire Slayer), an 18 year old British student. I'm also currently
>listening to Book 1 being read out on the radio - believe it or not,
>they're airing the whole thing, unabridged, in one go!
>Message: 25
> Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 14:47:18 EDT
> From: "voicelady" <voicelady at mymailstation.com>
>Subject: Re:HP Merchandise for Christmas
>I didn't receive a single HP item! Everybody is already cowed by the size
of my collection and was afraid to buy me anything, because they were unsure
of what I did and didn't have. On the other hand, my husband and I received
some lovely handpainted end tables!
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