Correction about the interview with JKR on Sky news

Maya Crabtree mayacrab at
Thu Dec 28 13:29:35 UTC 2000



>I'd be very interested in hearing more about this particular interview
>Maya, since it contradicts virtually everything else I've ever heard her
>say on the subject.  She's always maintained that she has no target
>audience, never intended to write for children & intends to stick fast
>to her pledge to not tone down the books for the younger readers (i.e.,
>she's got a story to tell & she's planning to tell it regardless of how
>many 8 yr old readers she has).

I'm sorry, I think I've been misleading. she didn't say in that interview
that she's not going to kill good guys. She didn't say taht  she's not going
to kill MANY good guys. I know she is aware of her huge and in fact larger
group of ADULT readers. All she DID say was that she doesn't understand why
everybody seems to think she's going to kill Hagrid and/or Ron. She said
that most of the speculations she gets are about those two, and she sounded
as if she was in fact saying that it will not be actually one of those
two... But that's just my own guess. Also, my own speculation is that she's
not going to made a big WW3 out of this. although, it would be extremely
thrilling to read, and will in fact make books 5-7 so very different from
the first 3 and so very original (when I was beginning to wonder already
what could she invent NOW that will suprise us as muich as the existing
books had). I still think she is writing a children's books, although not
necessarily FOR children. I am not sure how to descrive what I mean -  I
think I can onlysay that the "Children's Book" is a sort of type, and since
started like that , even if bad things DO happen, I believe that WILL end it
happily. I think that maybe people will die who are good, but that they will
probably be people who are not young. that is - I don't believe she'll kill
one of the three friends. It is more likely that the one/s to die will be
either teachers  or youngstres - even ones we like, but NOT our 3 heroes.
Dumbleddore's a good bet, because he has done so much alreayd with his life.
He has risen to the height of being the bet wizard in the world. He didn't
WANT to become minister of Magic. He chose to become the headmaste of
Hogwarts. He's fighted Voldemort in the past. His last mission in this world
is to either orchestrate the final destroyal of Voldemort, or to help Harry
to do so. The moment voldermort's out of the story (which will obviously be
in the end of book 7) Dumbledore has fulfilled all he can. so he might be
someone "good" to kill. Or Snape - he is also a good guy,and  if he dies,
he'll die in action, but we still don't LOVE him, so it won't be a shock.
like I said, maybe I am being naive, but I tend to believe that Rowling will
take that sort of line. People who we either don't LOVE or who we love but
have "fufilled their roll" so to speak...

Your thoughts?

I'm sorry if I was misleading aobut that interview. The thing I noticed most
was the annoying interveiwer , less thant he questions. In the end , he just
sat there alone, doing a monolouge about how riding a train with JKRowling
is the most woderful and magical thng in the world, and by THAT completely
taking away the "ordinary woman" image that she's trying to keep. Yes,it was
interesting to liten to her replies, It's thrilling to know what she'll
write in the next three books. But she's not GODDESS , she doesn't try to
project anyhting of the kind. And he really annoyed me with his adoration
speech. ;-)


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