[HPforGrownups] Re: Astronomy + ideas for classes
Dave Hardenbrook
DaveH47 at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 28 22:43:26 UTC 2000
At 02:21 PM 12/28/00 +0000, Flying Ford Anglia wrote:
>*Herbology = Botany/Gardening
>*Care of Magical Creatures = Zoology/Vetinary Science
>*Arithmancy = Arithmetic/Mathematics
>*Potions = Chemistry/Cookery/Pharmacology
This makes sense to me (especially as Snape reminds me of
my college chemistry teacher).
>... a few topics that don't seem to
>be covered much at all: Terrestrial Geography (it's no wonder that
>no one knows where anything is located), Modern Languages, English
>Lit, Art, Music and Sex Education spring to mind.
A quick OT question: What is Sex Ed. like in the UK? Over here
in the States you need a note from your parents to take it, and at that
they only discuss STD. (The rest they assume you learn for yourself
behind the bike sheds.)
>Overall, the curriculum seems very science-heavy and could do with an
>injection from the creative arts. For example, I'd love to see
>the Sorting Hat coaching the Hogwarts' School Choir that
>would have so much comic potential.
Shouldn't there at least be a course in Chanting?
>LINGOMANCY the study of spellcasting languages;
It seems to be this would be a part of Ancient Runes
>NUTRIGENESIS the science of creating tasty food items from the
I've been wondering -- Does creating things _ex nihilo_ come under
the heading of Charms or Transfiguration? And *what* exactly is
getting charmed or transfigured? Air? The Ether? Quantum Foam??
>KINETAESTHETICS the development of skills in the artistic
>representation of moving images.
I like this one... *Someone* must have painted Hogwarts' paintings.
To this I would add:
-- Magical Maladies and Medicine (Where did Madam Pomfrey learn??)
-- Magical Music (Maybe Dumbledore is trying to start this one at Hogwarts.)
-- Magical Machinery: There's plenty of these in fantasy -- such as
Tik-Tok the clockwork man in the Oz Books and the Sultan's
mechanical flying horse in the movie _The Thief of Bagdad_ --
so it seems there should be a class. And things like the
Weasley's clock could be covered.
-- Magical Home Economics: How to get rid of garden gnomes,
make sauce come out of your wand, etc. (Mrs. Weasley could
teach this.)
-- Fundamental Magical Physics: How Magic works on the most
fundamental level... This would be the Magical equivalent
of Quantum Physics.
-- Dave
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